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Inst Reports – Überblick über Publikationen der/des IBG-2 für das Berichtsjahr 2024

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Die Publikationen in den Abschnitten A und B sind alle Text-Publikationen, die nach Stand 9.3.2025 für die Programmberichte bzw. den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht für das Jahr 2024 gemeldet werden. Jülicher Autoren sind fett gedruckt.

Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass dies auch alle Publikationen sind, die aus Ihrem Institut bzw. Institutsbereich gemeldet werden sollen. Als einen Anhaltspunkt für eventuelle Nachtragungen können Sie einen Abgleich mit im „Web of Science“ gefundenen Publikationen nehmen, der stets Anfang November von der Zentralbibliothek verschickt wird.

Beachten Sie, dass u.U. einige der Publikationen in den Abschnitten A bis D noch keine POF-Zuordnung haben. Tragen Sie diese bitte nach, ansonsten werden die betroffenen Publikationen nicht gezählt.

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A. ISI/Scopus-referierte Publikationen

Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.

Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 46

TitelAutorenJournal/KonferenzPOFandere Institutezuletzt geändert
Precrop-treated soil influences wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root system architecture and its response to droughtCope, Jonathan E.; Berckx, Fede; Galinski, Anna; Lentz, Jonas; Nagel, Kerstin A.; Fiorani, Fabio; Weih, MartinFrontiers in plant science 2171 9.3.2025
Illumination correction for close-range hyperspectral images using spectral invariants and random forest regressionIhalainen, Olli; Sandmann, Theresa; Rascher, Uwe; Mõttus, MattiRemote sensing of environment 2173 9.3.2025
Benefits and limits of biological nitrification inhibitors for plant nitrogen uptake and the environmentKuppe, Christian W.; Postma, Johannes A.Scientific reports 2171 9.3.2025
Setup and characterisation according to NEMA NU 4 of the <i>pheno</i>PET scanner, a PET system dedicated for plant sciencesHinz, Carsten; Jahnke, Siegfried; Metzner, Ralf; Pflugfelder, Daniel; Scheins, Jürgen; Streun, Matthias; Koller, RobertPhysics in medicine and biology 2171 INM-4, ZEA-2 9.3.2025
Polyglycerol citrate: A novel coating and inoculation material for soybean seedsGiroto, Amanda S.; Valle, Stella F.; Guimarães, Gelton G. F.; Ohrem, Benedict; Bresolin, Joana; Lücke, Andreas; Wissel, Holger; Hungria, Mariangela; Ribeiro, Caue; Mattoso, Luiz H. C.; Jablonowski, Nicolai D.Environmental technology & innovation 2171 9.3.2025
Converting an Established Sida hermaphrodita Field into Arable FarmingJablonowski, Nicolai David; Ohrem, Benedict; Gitzen, Michael; Kollmann, TobiasAgronomy 2171 9.3.2025
Assessment of soil salinity using explainable machine learning methods and Landsat 8 imagesAksoy, Samet; Sertel, Elif; Roscher, Ribana; Tanik, Aysegul; Hamzehpour, NikouInternational journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 2173 9.3.2025
Sida hermaphrodita establishment on highly weed-infested soil using biodegradable mulch filmvon Cossel, Moritz; Ohrem, Benedict; Gandamalla, Gawasker; Neuberger, Marc; Jablonowski, Nicolai DavidJournal of cleaner production 2171 9.3.2025
Toward a Greener Bioeconomy: Synthesis and Characterization of Lignin–Polylactide CopolymersLangletz, Tim; Grande, Philipp; Viell, Jörn; Wolters, Daniel; Tonn, Josia; Klose, Holger; Schriever, Sascha; Hoffmann, Alexander; Jupke, Andreas; Gries, Thomas; Herres-Pawlis, SonjaAdvanced energy & sustainability research 2172 9.3.2025
Dynamics and interplay of photosynthetic regulatory processes depend on the amplitudes of oscillating lightniu, yuxi; Matsubara, Shizue; Nedbal, Ladislav; Lazar, DusanPlant, cell & environment 2171 9.3.2025
Linking photosynthesis and yield reveals a strategy to improve light use efficiency in a climbing bean breeding populationKeller, Beat; Soto, Jonatan; Steier, Angelina; Portilla-Benavides, Ana Elisabeth; Raatz, Bodo; Studer, Bruno; Walter, Achim; Muller, Onno; Urban, Milan OThe journal of experimental botany 2171 9.3.2025
Confident Naturalness Explanation (CNE): A Framework to Explain and Assess Patterns Forming NaturalnessEmam, Ahmed; Farag, Mohamed; Roscher, RibanaIEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters 2173 9.3.2025
Editorial: Dynamic photosynthesis under non-steady conditionsVialet-Chabrand, Silvere; Matsubara, Shizue; Lawson, TracyFrontiers in plant science 2171 9.3.2025
Exploring the Potential of Perennial Nectar‐Producing Wild Plants for Pellet Combustionvon Cossel, Moritz; Heinzel, Kathleen; Patiño Lordello, Gabriela; Aron Winkler, Andreas; Lauria, Maria Virginia; Gandamalla, Gawasker; Jablonowski, Nicolai DavidAdvanced sustainable systems 2171 9.3.2025
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Medium-Chain Free Fatty Acid-Regulated Activity of the Phospholipase PlaF from Pseudomonas aeruginosaGentile, Rocco; Modric, Matea; Thiele, Björn; Jaeger, Karl-Erich; Kovacic, Filip; Schott-Verdugo, Stephan; Gohlke, HolgerJACS Au 2172; 2173 IMET, IBG-4, IBG-3 9.3.2025
The data acquisition system of phenoPETStreun, M.; Eguzo, C.; Gorke, H.; Heil, R.; Hinz, C.; Keßel, D.; Koller, R.; Metzner, R.; Pflugfelder, D.; Scheins, J.; Scherer, B.; Wüstner, P.; van Waasen, S.Journal of Instrumentation 2171 ZEA-2, INM-4, JSC 9.3.2025
Effects of water stress on apoplastic barrier formation in soil grown roots differ from hydroponically grown roots: Histochemical, biochemical and molecular evidenceSuresh, Kiran; Bhattacharyya, Sabarna; Carvajal, Jorge; Ghosh, Rajdeep; Zeisler-Diehl, Viktoria V.; Boeckem, Vera; Nagel, Kerstin A.; Wojciechowski, Tobias; Schreiber, LukasPlant, cell & environment 2171 9.3.2025
Seedling root system adaptation to water availability during maize domestication and global expansionYu, Peng; Li, Chunhui; Li, Meng; He, Xiaoming; Wang, Danning; Li, Hongjie; Marcon, Caroline; Li, Yu; Perez-Limón, Sergio; Chen, Xinping; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Koller, Robert; Metzner, Ralf; van Dusschoten, Dagmar; Pflugfelder, Daniel; Borisjuk, Ljudmilla; Plutenko, Iaroslav; Mahon, Audrey; Resende, Marcio F. R.; Salvi, Silvio; Akale, Asegidew; Abdalla, Mohanned; Ahmed, Mutez Ali; Bauer, Felix Maximilian; Schnepf, Andrea; Lobet, Guillaume; Heymans, Adrien; Suresh, Kiran; Schreiber, Lukas; McLaughlin, Chloee M.; Li, Chunjian; Mayer, Manfred; Schön, Chris-Carolin; Bernau, Vivian; von Wirén, Nicolaus; Sawers, Ruairidh J. H.; Wang, Tianyu; Hochholdinger, FrankNature genetics 2171 9.3.2025
Estimating daily semantic segmentation maps of classified ocean eddies using sea level anomaly data from along-track altimetryBolmer, Eike; Abulaitijiang, Adili; Kusche, Jürgen; Roscher, RibanaFrontiers in artificial intelligence 2171 9.3.2025
Better, Not Just More: Data-centric machine learning for Earth observationRoscher, Ribana; Russwurm, Marc; Gevaert, Caroline; Kampffmeyer, Michael; Dos Santos, Jefersson A.; Vakalopoulou, Maria; Hänsch, Ronny; Hansen, Stine; Nogueira, Keiller; Prexl, Jonathan; Tuia, DevisIEEE geoscience and remote sensing magazine 2173 9.3.2025
Leveraging Activation Maximization and Generative Adversarial Training to Recognize and Explain Patterns in Natural Areas in Satellite ImageryEmam, Ahmed; Stomberg, Timo T.; Roscher, RibanaIEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters 2173 9.3.2025
Seed coating with phages for sustainable plant biocontrol of plant pathogens and influence of the seed coat mucilageErdrich, Sebastian H.; Schurr, Ulrich; Frunzke, Julia; Arsova, BorjanaMicrobial biotechnology 2171 IBG-1 9.3.2025
Mitochondrial complex I subunit NDUFS8.2 modulates responses to stresses associated with reduced water availabilityZsigmond, Laura; Juhász-Erdélyi, Annabella; Valkai, Ildikó; Aleksza, Dávid; Rigó, Gábor; Kant, Kamal; Szepesi, Ágnes; Fiorani, Fabio; Körber, Niklas; Kovács, László; Szabados, LászlóPlant physiology and biochemistry 2171 9.3.2025
Exploring natural genetic variation in photosynthesis-related traits of barley in the fieldGao, Yanrong; Stein, Merle; Oshana, Lilian; Zhao, Wenxia; Matsubara, Shizue; Stich, BenjaminThe journal of experimental botany 2171 9.3.2025
Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) Growth on Sandy Soil—Insights from a Pot Experimentvon Cossel, Moritz; Kunisch, Jana; Iqbal, Yasir; Berwanger, Eva; Thiel, Theresa; Gandamalla, Gawasker; Jablonowski, Nicolai D.Agronomy 2171 9.3.2025
A mathematical model of photoinhibition: exploring the impact of quenching processesNies, Tim; Matsubara, Shizue; Ebenhöh, OliverIn silico plants 2171 9.3.2025
Physics-based Machine Learning Emulator of At-sensor Radiances for Solar-induced Fluorescence Retrieval in the O-A Absorption BandPato, Miguel; Buffat, Jim; Alonso, Kevin; Auer, Stefan; Carmona, Emiliano; Maier, Stefan; Müller, Rupert; Rademske, Patrick; Rascher, Uwe; Scharr, HannoIEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing 5112; 2173 IAS-8 9.3.2025
Multispectral imaging and terrestrial laser scanning for the detection of drought-induced paraheliotropic leaf movement in soybeanChakhvashvili, Erekle; Stausberg, Lina; Bendig, Juliane; Klingbeil, Lasse; Siegmann, Bastian; Muller, Onno; Kuhlmann, Heiner; Rascher, UweInternational journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 2173 9.3.2025
Completing the picture of field-grown cereal crops: a new method for detailed leaf surface models in wheatTheiß, Marie; Steier, Angelina; Rascher, Uwe; Müller-Linow, MarkPlant methods 2171 9.3.2025
A modular framework for FAIR shallow landslide susceptibility mapping based on machine learningEdrich, Ann-Kathrin; Yildiz, Anil; Roscher, Ribana; Bast, Alexander; Graf, Frank; Kowalski, JuliaNatural hazards 2173 9.3.2025
Insights from the international workshop on “Adapting agriculture to climate change and air pollution”Agathokleous, Evgenios; Emberson, Lisa; Pei, Jie; Kobayashi, Kazuhiko; Blande, James D.; Cook, Jo; Fang, Chao; Han, Zhiyu; Ju, Hui; Knopf, Oliver; Li, Tao; Liu, Bing; Liu, Xiaoyu; Masui, Noboru; Masutomi, Yuji; McHugh, Keelan; O’Neill, Connie; Pande, Pritha; Rasheed, Muhammad Usman; Ruhanen, Helena; Shang, Bo; Tai, Amos P. K.; Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Yu, Zhen; Yuan, Xiangyang; Xu, Yansen; Zhao, Chuang; Zhao, Jin; Zheng, Haifeng; Zhou, Hao; Feng, ZhaozhongEnvironmental science and pollution research 2171 9.3.2025
Investigating the Contribution of Image Time Series Observations to Cauliflower Harvest-Readiness PredictionRoscher, Ribana; Kierdorf, Jana; Stomberg, Timo Tjarden; Drees, Lukas; Rascher, UweFrontiers in artificial intelligence 2171 9.3.2025
Improving estimates of sub-daily gross primary production from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence by accounting for light distribution within canopyChen, Ruonan; Liu, Liangyun; Liu, Xinjie; Liu, Zhunqiao; Gu, Lianhong; Rascher, UweRemote sensing of environment 2173 9.3.2025
Transcriptomic response to nitrogen availability reveals signatures of adaptive plasticity during tetraploid wheat domesticationPieri, Alice; Beleggia, Romina; Gioia, Tania; Tong, Hao; Di Vittori, Valerio; Frascarelli, Giulia; Bitocchi, Elena; Nanni, Laura; Bellucci, Elisa; Fiorani, Fabio; Pecchioni, Nicola; Marzario, Stefania; De Quattro, Concetta; Limongi, Antonina Rita; De Vita, Pasquale; Rossato, Marzia; Schurr, Ulrich; David, Jacques L; Nikoloski, Zoran; Papa, RobertoThe plant cell 2171 9.3.2025
Doubled Haploid Lines Derived from a European Maize Flint Landrace Contrast in Recovery from Cold StressBoughazi, Khadija; Wuyts, Nathalie; Muller, Onno; Windt, Carel; Nagel, Kerstin A.; Rascher, Uwe; Fiorani, FabioAgronomy 2171 9.3.2025
Meta-learning to address diverse Earth observation problems across resolutionsRußwurm, Marc; Wang, Sherrie; Kellenberger, Benjamin; Roscher, Ribana; Tuia, DevisCommunications earth & environment 2171 9.3.2025
Field phenotyping of ten wheat cultivars under elevated CO2 shows seasonal differences in chlorophyll fluorescence, plant height and vegetation indicesKnopf, Oliver; Castro, Antony; Bendig, Juliane; Pude, Ralf; Kleist, Einhard; Poorter, Hendrik; Rascher, Uwe; Muller, OnnoFrontiers in plant science 2171 9.3.2025
Structural Changes of Lignin during OrganoCat ProcessingSchoofs, Leonie; Thiele, Björn; Tonn, Josia; Langletz, Tim; Herres-Pawlis, Sonja; Jupke, Andreas; Grande, Philipp M.; Klose, HolgerEnergy & fuels 2171 9.3.2025
CMLR: A Mechanistic Global GPP Dataset Derived from TROPOMIS SIF ObservationsChen, Ruonan; Liu, Liangyun; Liu, Xinjie; Rascher, UweJournal of remote sensing 2173 9.3.2025
Amphicarpic development in Cardamine chenopodiifoliaEmonet, Aurélia; Pérez-Antón, Miguel; Neumann, Ulla; Dunemann, Sonja; Huettel, Bruno; Koller, Robert; Hay, AngelaThe new phytologist 2171 9.3.2025
Expanding the Phage Galaxy: Isolation and Characterization of Five Novel Streptomyces Siphoviruses Ankus, Byblos, DekoNeimoidia, Mandalore, and NabooErdrich, Sebastian H.; Luthe, Tom; Kever, Larissa; Badia Roigé, Biel; Arsova, Borjana; Davoudi, Eva; Frunzke, JuliaPHAGE 2171 IBG-1 9.3.2025
Energy yield decline of Sida hermaphrodita harvested for biogas productionVon Cossel, M.; Lewin, E.; Lewandowski, I.; Jablonowski, Nicolai DavidRenewable & sustainable energy reviews 2171 9.3.2025
Research priorities to leverage smart digital technologies for sustainable crop productionStorm, Hugo; Seidel, Sabine Julia; Klingbeil, Lasse; Ewert, Frank; Vereecken, Harry; Amelung, Wulf; Behnke, Sven; Bennewitz, Maren; Börner, Jan; Döring, Thomas; Gall, Juergen; Mahlein, Anne-Katrin; McCool, Chris; Rascher, Uwe; Wrobel, Stefan; Schnepf, Andrea; Stachniss, Cyrill; Kuhlmann, HeinerEuropean journal of agronomy 2173 9.3.2025
Towards a standardized, ground-based network of hyperspectral measurements: Combining time series from autonomous field spectrometers with Sentinel-2Naethe, Paul; De Sanctis, Andrea; Burkart, Andreas; Campbell, Petya K. E.; Colombo, Roberto; Di Mauro, Biagio; Damm, Alexander; El-Madany, Tarek; Fava, Francesco; Gamon, John A.; Huemmrich, Karl F.; Migliavacca, Mirco; Paul-Limoges, Eugenie; Rascher, Uwe; Rossini, Micol; Schüttemeyer, Dirk; Tagliabue, Giulia; Zhang, Yongguang; Julitta, TommasoRemote sensing of environment 2173 9.3.2025
Data-driven crop growth simulation on time-varying generated images using multi-conditional generative adversarial networksDrees, Lukas; Demie, Dereje T.; Paul, Madhuri R.; Leonhardt, Johannes; Seidel, Sabine J.; Döring, Thomas F.; Roscher, RibanaPlant methods 2171 9.3.2025
Examining poplar biomass recalcitrance in OrganoCat processing: The impact of genotype, nitrogen fertilization and process severityMartinez Diaz, Jimena; Grande, Philipp Michael; Klose, HolgerIndustrial crops and products 2172 9.3.2025

B. Andere referierte Publikationen

Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die nicht unter (A) fallen. Die Vergabe einer DOI ist zwingende Voraussetzung. Sonderfall Erde und Umwelt: Hier zählen einschließlich Bücher und Buchkapitel.

Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 3

TitelAutorenJournal/KonferenzPOFandere Institutezuletzt geändert
Untrained perceptual loss for image denoising of line-like structures in MR imagesElisabeth Pfaehler; Daniel Pflugfelder; Hanno ScharrPLoS ONE Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! IAS-8, INM-4 9.3.2025
Promoting Circular Economy by Leveraging Annatto Byproducts from Bixa orellana L. into Sustainable Antioxidant Food PackagingVanilda Aparecida Soares de Arruda; Magdalena Wrona; Roseli Aparecida Ferrari; Cristina Nerı́n; Elena CanellasFoods Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! 9.3.2025
Resolving spatially distinct phytohormone response zones in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> roots colonized by <i>Fusarium oxysporum</i>Jacob Calabria; Liu Wang; Michelle Watt; Staffan Persson; Tonni Grube Andersen; Alexander Idnurm; Marc SomssichJournal of Experimental Botany Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! 9.3.2025
Special Collection: Women of Catalysis 2024Combination of Bio‐ and Organometallic Catalysis for the Synthesis of Dioxolane in Organic SolventsJan Wiesenthal; William Graf von Westarp; Stefan Pischinger; Andreas Jupke; Jürgen Klankermayer; Dörte RotherChemCatChem Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! IBG-1 9.3.2025
Comparative Study of Crucial Properties of Packaging Based on Polylactide and Selected Essential OilsEwa Olewnik‐Kruszkowska; Magdalena Wrona; Anis Bertella; Anna Rudawská; Magdalena Gierszewska; Beata SchmidtFoods Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! 9.3.2025
More N fertilizer, more maize, and less alfalfa: maize benefits from its higher N uptake per unit root lengthShao, Zeqiang; Zheng, Congcong; Postma, Johannes Auke; Gao, Qiang; Zhang, JinjingFrontiers in Functional Plant Ecology 2171 9.3.2025
Vertical farming goes dynamic: optimizing resource use efficiency, product quality, and energy costsKaiser, Elias; Kusuma, Paul; Vialet-Chabrand, Silvere; Folta, Kevin; Liu, Ying; Poorter, Hendrik; Woning, Nik; Shrestha, Samikshya; Ciarreta, Aitor; van Brenk, Jordan; Karpe, Margarethe; Ji, Yongran; David, Stephan; Zepeda, Cristina; Zhu, Xin-Guang; Huntenburg, Katharina; Verdonk, Julian C.; Woltering, Ernst; Gauthier, Paul P. G.; Courbier, Sarah; Taylor, Gail; Marcelis, Leo F. M. 2171 9.3.2025
Effect of Shading in an Agri-PV System on Structure and Growth of Ornamental PlantsJedmowski, Christoph; Kherde, Sourabh; Pahwa, Abhishek; Schlechtrimen, Vincent; Meier, Matthias; Muller, OnnoAgriVoltaics World Conference 2022 2172 9.3.2025

C. Datenpublikationen (teilweise auch Software)

Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.

Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.

Da auf Jülich DATA bislang noch nicht zwischen Daten- und Software-Publikationen unterschieden wird, wird hier teilweise auch Software verzeichnet. Das ist aktuell für das Berichtswesen noch nicht kritisch und wird ab dem nächsten Jahr vermieden.

Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 4

TitelAutorenPOFandere Institutezuletzt geändert
UAV Data Campus Klein-Altendorf 2023Kevin Warstat; Juliane Bendig; Ralf Pude; Uwe Rascher; Ireneusz Kleppert; Lars Grygosch 899 9.3.2025
Benchmark Dataset for Field PhenotypingLars Grygosch; Ireneusz Kleppert; Uwe Rascher 6G12 9.3.2025
Multi-scale field phenotyping of wheat-bean intercrops: Integrating spectral and agronomic datasets from a three-year trialJulie Krämer 899 9.3.2025
HyData: HyPlant FLUO at-sensor radiance data packages and FLOX measurements for SIF retrieval method development from selected campaigns of the years 2018 - 2023Jim Buffat; Uwe Rascher; Patrick Rademske; Bastian Siegmann; Laura Verena Junker-Frohn; Dzhaner Emin; Lars Grygosch 2173; 5112 IAS-8 9.3.2025
Data for: Modeling cassava root system architecture and the underlying dynamics in shoot–root carbon allocation during the early storage root bulking stagePostma, Johannes Auke 2171 9.3.2025
Optimizing Cassava Growth with Localized Struvite Application: Root Proliferation and Fertilization EfficiencyIBG-2 2171 9.3.2025

D. Software-Publikationen

Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.

Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.

Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0

TitelAutorenPOFandere Institutezuletzt geändert