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Die Publikationen in den Abschnitten A und B sind alle Text-Publikationen, die nach Stand 9.3.2025 für die Programmberichte bzw. den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht für das Jahr 2024 gemeldet werden. Jülicher Autoren sind fett gedruckt.
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Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 57
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Sequence-based identification of amyloidogenic β-hairpins reveals a prostatic acid phosphatase fragment promoting semen amyloid formation | Heid, Laetitia F.; Agerschou, Emil Dandanell; Orr, Asuka A.; Kupreichyk, Tatsiana; Schneider, Walfried; Wördehoff, Michael M.; Schwarten, Melanie; Willbold, Dieter; Tamamis, Phanourios; Stoldt, Matthias; Hoyer, Wolfgang | Computational and structural biotechnology journal | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Insights on the dynamic behavior of protein disulfide isomerase in the solution environment through the SAXS technique | Sanyasi, Chandrasekar; Balakrishnan, Susmida Seni; Chinnasamy, Thirunavukkarasu; Venugopalan, Nagarajan; Kandavelu, Palani; Batra-Safferling, Renu; Muthuvel, Suresh Kumar | In Silico Pharmacology | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
The dynamic world of the 8–17 DNAzyme | Schmuck, Jessica Felice; Borggräfe, Jan; Etzkorn, Manuel | Nature Communications | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
IAPP - oligomerisation levels in plasma of people with type 2 diabetes | Rehn, Fabian; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria; Bujnicki, Tuyen; Bannach, Oliver; Tschoepe, Diethelm; Stratmann, Bernd; Willbold, Dieter | Scientific reports | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Overlay databank unlocks data-driven analyses of biomolecules for all | Kiirikki, Anne M.; Antila, Hanne S.; Bort, Lara S.; Buslaev, Pavel; Favela-Rosales, Fernando; Ferreira, Tiago Mendes; Fuchs, Patrick F. J.; Garcia-Fandino, Rebeca; Gushchin, Ivan; Kav, Batuhan; Kučerka, Norbert; Kula, Patrik; Kurki, Milla; Kuzmin, Alexander; Lalitha, Anusha; Lolicato, Fabio; Madsen, Jesper J.; Miettinen, Markus S.; Mingham, Cedric; Monticelli, Luca; Nencini, Ricky; Nesterenko, Alexey M.; Piggot, Thomas J.; Piñeiro, Ángel; Reuter, Nathalie; Samantray, Suman; Suárez-Lestón, Fabián; Talandashti, Reza; Ollila, O. H. Samuli | Nature Communications | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Channelrhodopsin‐2 Oligomerization in Cell Membrane Revealed by Photo‐Activated Localization Microscopy | Bestsennaia, Ekaterina; Maslov, Ivan; Balandin, Taras; Alekseev, Alexey; Yudenko, Anna; Abu Shamseye, Assalla; Zabelskii, Dmitrii; Baumann, Arnd; Catapano, Claudia; Karathanasis, Christos; Gordeliy, Valentin; Heilemann, Mike; Gensch, Thomas; Borshchevskiy, Valentin | Angewandte Chemie | 5241 | IBI-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Custom Design of a Humidifier Chamber for In Meso Crystallization | Marin, Egor; Kovalev, Kirill; Poelman, Therese; Veenstra, Rick; Borshchevskiy, Valentin; Guskov, Albert | Crystal growth & design | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
HR-MAS NMR Metabolomics Profile of Vero Cells under the Influence of Virus Infection and nsP2 Inhibitor: A Chikungunya Case Study | Peinado, Rafaela dos S.; Martins, Lucas G.; Pacca, Carolina C.; Saivish, Marielena V.; Borsatto, Kelly C.; Nogueira, Maurício L.; Tasic, Ljubica; Arni, Raghuvir K.; Eberle, Raphael J.; Coronado, Mônika A. | International journal of molecular sciences | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Sensitivity-enhanced NMR 15N R1 and R1ρ relaxation experiments for the investigation of intrinsically disordered proteins at high magnetic fields | Stief, Tobias; Vormann, Katharina; Lakomek, Nils-Alexander | Methods | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
A Snake Venom Peptide and Its Derivatives Prevent Aβ 42 Aggregation and Eliminate Toxic Aβ 42 Aggregates In Vitro | Camargo, Luana Cristina; Gering, Ian; Mastalipour, Mohammadamin; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria; Bujnicki, Tuyen; Willbold, Dieter; Coronado, Mônika A.; Eberle, Raphael J. | ACS chemical neuroscience | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Conserved Signal Transduction Mechanisms and Dark Recovery Kinetic Tuning in the Pseudomonadaceae Short Light, Oxygen, Voltage (LOV) Protein Family | Arinkin, Vladimir; Granzin, Joachim; Jaeger, Karl-Erich; Willbold, Dieter; Krauss, Ulrich; Batra-Safferling, Renu | Journal of molecular biology | 5241; 2171 | IMET | 9.3.2025 |
The TR- ic OS setup at the ESRF: time-resolved microsecond UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy on protein crystals | Engilberge, Sylvain; Caramello, Nicolas; Bukhdruker, Sergei; Byrdin, Martin; Giraud, Thierry; Jacquet, Philippe; Scortani, Damien; Biv, Rattana; Gonzalez, Hervé; Broquet, Antonin; van der Linden, Peter; Rose, Samuel L.; Flot, David; Balandin, Taras; Gordeliy, Valentin; Lahey-Rudolph, J. Mia; Roessle, Manfred; de Sanctis, Daniele; Leonard, Gordon A.; Mueller-Dieckmann, Christoph; Royant, Antoine | Acta crystallographica / Section D | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Elevated Aβ aggregates in feces from Alzheimer’s disease patients: a proof-of-concept study | Pils, Marlene; Dybala, Alexandra; Schaffrath, Anja; Rehn, Fabian; Kutzsche, Janine; Blömeke, Lara; Tusche, Markus; Özdüzenciler, Pelin; Bujnicki, Tuyen; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria; Gramespacher, Hannes; Schmieschek, Maximilian H. T.; Barbe, Michael T.; Onur, Oezguer A.; Fink, Gereon R.; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Bannach, Oliver; Willbold, Dieter | Alzheimer's research & therapy | 5251; 5244 | INM-3 | 9.3.2025 |
NMR 15N Relaxation Experiments for the Investigation of Picosecond to Nanoseconds Structural Dynamics of Proteins | Lakomek, Nils; Stief, Tobias; Vormann, Katharina | JoVE journal | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Vaccination with structurally adapted fungal protein fibrils induces immunity to Parkinson’s disease | Pesch, Verena; Flores-Fernandez, José Miguel; Reithofer, Sara; Ma, Liang; Özdüzenciler, Pelin; Busch, Yannick; Sriraman, Aishwarya; Wang, YongLiang; Amidian, Sara; Kroepel, Chiara V M; Müller, Laura; Lien, Yi; Rudtke, Olivia; Frieg, Benedikt; Schröder, Gunnar F; Wille, Holger; Tamgüney, Gültekin | Brain | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Colonoscopy and Subsequent Risk of Parkinson’s Disease | Holtz, Anna-Victoria; Fink, Anne; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Doblhammer, Gabriele | Journal of Parkinson's Disease | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Cryo-EM structures of lipidic fibrils of amyloid-β (1-40) | Frieg, Benedikt; Han, Mookyoung; Giller, Karin; Dienemann, Christian; Riedel, Dietmar; Becker, Stefan; Andreas, Loren B.; Griesinger, Christian; Schröder, Gunnar F. | Nature Communications | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Acridones as promising drug candidates against Oropouche virus | Saivish, Marielena Vogel; Menezes, Gabriela de Lima; da Silva, Roosevelt Alves; de Assis, Leticia Ribeiro; Teixeira, Igor da Silva; Fulco, Umberto Laino; Avilla, Clarita Maria Secco; Eberle, Raphael Josef; Santos, Igor de Andrade; Korostov, Karolina; Webber, Mayara Lucia; da Silva, Gislaine Celestino Dutra; Nogueira, Maurício Lacerda; Jardim, Ana Carolina Gomes; Regasin, Luis Octavio; Coronado, Mônika Aparecida; Pacca, Carolina Colombelli | Current research in microbial sciences | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Crystallographic insights into lipid-membrane protein interactions in microbial rhodopsins | Bukhdruker, S.; Melnikov, I.; Baeken, C.; Balandin, T.; Gordeliy, V. | Frontiers in molecular biosciences | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Water dynamics in eutectic solutions of sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate: implications for life in Europa's subsurface ocean and ice shell | Sieme, Daniel; Rezaei-Ghaleh, Nasrollah | Physical chemistry, chemical physics | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Rational design of structure‐based vaccines targeting misfolded alpha‐synuclein conformers of Parkinson's disease and related disorders | Flores-Fernandez, Jose Miguel; Pesch, Verena; Sriraman, Aishwarya; Chimal-Juarez, Enrique; Amidian, Sara; Wang, Xiongyao; Duckering, Caleb; Fang, Andrew; Reithofer, Sara; Ma, Liang; Cortez, Leonardo M.; Sim, Valerie L.; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Wille, Holger | Bioengineering & translational medicine | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Exploring engineered vesiculation by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for natural product biosynthesis | Bitzenhofer, Nora Lisa; Höfel, Carolin; Thies, Stephan; Weiler, Andrea Jeanette; Eberlein, Christian; Heipieper, Hermann J.; Batra-Safferling, Renu; Sundermeyer, Pia; Heidler, Thomas; Sachse, Carsten; Busche, Tobias; Kalinowski, Jörn; Belthle, Thomke; Drepper, Thomas; Jaeger, Karl-Erich; Loeschcke, Anita | Microbial biotechnology | 5352; 5241; 2171 | ER-C-3, IMET | 9.3.2025 |
Community recommendations on cryoEM data archiving and validation | Kleywegt, Gerard J.; Adams, Paul D.; Butcher, Sarah J.; Lawson, Catherine L.; Rohou, Alexis; Rosenthal, Peter B.; Subramaniam, Sriram; Topf, Maya; Abbott, Sanja; Baldwin, Philip R.; Berrisford, John M.; Bricogne, Gérard; Choudhary, Preeti; Croll, Tristan I.; Danev, Radostin; Ganesan, Sai J.; Grant, Timothy; Gutmanas, Aleksandras; Henderson, Richard; Heymann, J. Bernard; Huiskonen, Juha T.; Istrate, Andrei; Kato, Takayuki; Lander, Gabriel C.; Lok, Shee-Mei; Ludtke, Steven J.; Murshudov, Garib N.; Pye, Ryan; Pintilie, Grigore D.; Richardson, Jane S.; Sachse, Carsten; Salih, Osman; Scheres, Sjors H. W.; Schroeder, Gunnar F.; Sorzano, Carlos Oscar S.; Stagg, Scott M.; Wang, Zhe; Warshamanage, Rangana; Westbrook, John D.; Winn, Martyn D.; Young, Jasmine Y.; Burley, Stephen K.; Hoch, Jeffrey C.; Kurisu, Genji; Morris, Kyle; Patwardhan, Ardan; Velankar, Sameer | IUCrJ | 5352; 5241 | ER-C-3 | 9.3.2025 |
Mobility of sodium ions in agarose gels probed through combined single- and triple-quantum NMR | Nimerovsky, Evgeny; Sieme, Daniel; Rezaie Ghaleh, Nasrollah | Methods | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
The Theranostic Optimization of PSMA-GCK01 Does Not Compromise the Imaging Characteristics of [99mTc]Tc-PSMA-GCK01 Compared to Dedicated Diagnostic [99mTc]Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-iPSMA in Prostate Cancer | Mamlins, Eduards; Scharbert, Lara; Cardinale, Jens; Krotov, Maria; Winter, Erik; Rathke, Hendrik; Strodel, Birgit; Ankrah, Alfred O.; Sathekge, Mike; Haberkorn, Uwe; Kratochwil, Clemens; Giesel, Frederik L. | Molecular imaging & biology | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Calcium-Sensitive Microbial Rhodopsin VirChR1: A Femtosecond to Second Photocycle Study | Lamm, Gerrit H. U.; Zabelskii, Dmitrii; Balandin, Taras; Gordeliy, Valentin; Wachtveitl, Josef | The journal of physical chemistry letters | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Evaluation of the Effect of β-Wrapin AS69 in a Mouse Model Based on Alpha-Synuclein Overexpression | Höfs, Lennart; Geißler-Lösch, David; Wunderlich, Kristof M.; Szegö, Eva M.; Van den Haute, Chris; Baekelandt, Veerle; Hoyer, Wolfgang; Falkenburger, Björn H. | Biomolecules | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Channelrhodopsin‐2 Oligomerization in Cell Membrane Revealed by Photo‐Activated Localization Microscopy | Bestsennaia, Ekaterina; Maslov, Ivan; Balandin, Taras; Alekseev, Alexey; Yudenko, Anna; Abu Shamseye, Assalla; Zabelskii, Dmitrii; Baumann, Arnd; Catapano, Claudia; Karathanasis, Christos; Gordeliy, Valentin; Heilemann, Mike; Gensch, Thomas; Borshchevskiy, Valentin | Angewandte Chemie | 5241 | IBI-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Structural Impact of N‐terminal Pyroglutamylate in an Amyloid‐β(3‐42) Fibril Probed by Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy | Gardon, Luis; Becker, Nina; Gremer, Lothar; Heise, Henrike | Chemistry - a European journal | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Hijacking of internal calcium dynamics by intracellularly residing viral rhodopsins | Eria-Oliveira, Ana-Sofia; Folacci, Mathilde; Chassot, Anne Amandine; Fedou, Sandrine; Thézé, Nadine; Zabelskii, Dmitrii; Alekseev, Alexey; Bamberg, Ernst; Gordeliy, Valentin; Sandoz, Guillaume; Vivaudou, Michel | Nature Communications | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Aβ oligomers peak in early stages of Alzheimer's disease preceding tau pathology | Blömeke, Lara; Rehn, Fabian; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria; Kutzsche, Janine; Pils, Marlene; Bujnicki, Tuyen; Lewczuk, Piotr; Kornhuber, Johannes; Freiesleben, Silka D.; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie; Preis, Lukas; Priller, Josef; Spruth, Eike J.; Altenstein, Slawek; Lohse, Andrea; Schneider, Anja; Fliessbach, Klaus; Wiltfang, Jens; Hansen, Niels; Rostamzadeh, Ayda; Düzel, Emrah; Glanz, Wenzel; Incesoy, Enise I.; Butryn, Michaela; Buerger, Katharina; Janowitz, Daniel; Ewers, Michael; Perneczky, Robert; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan; Teipel, Stefan; Kilimann, Ingo; Goerss, Doreen; Laske, Christoph; Munk, Matthias H.; Sanzenbacher, Carolin; Spottke, Annika; Roy-Kluth, Nina; Heneka, Michael T.; Brosseron, Frederic; Wagner, Michael; Wolfsgruber, Steffen; Kleineidam, Luca; Stark, Melina; Schmid, Matthias; Jessen, Frank; Bannach, Oliver; Willbold, Dieter; Peters, Oliver | Alzheimer's & dementia / Diagnosis, assessment & disease monitoring | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Abandon the NAC in α-synuclein | Goedert, Michel; Griesinger, Christian; Outeiro, Tiago F; Riek, Roland; Schröder, Gunnar F; Spillantini, Maria Grazia | The lancet | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Disordered regions of inhibitor-bound α-synuclein suppress seed-induced fibril nucleation in cells | Schulz, Celina M; Agerschou, Emil D; Gardon, Luis; Alexander, Miriam; Stoldt, Matthias; Heise, Henrike; Tamgüney, Erdem Gültekin; Hoyer, Wolfgang | Cell reports / Physical science | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
TSAT: Efficient evaluation software for NGS data of phage/mirror-image phage display selections | Altendorf, Tim; Mohrlüder, Jeannine; Willbold, Dieter | Biophysical reports | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Characterization of Size-tuneable Aescin-Lipid Nanoparticles as Platform for Stabilization of Membrane Proteins | Escobedo, Fatima; Gospalswamy, Mohanraj; Hägerbäumer, Pia; Stank, Tim Julian; Victor, Julian; Groth, Georg; Gohlke, Holger; Dargel, Carina; Hellweg, Thomas; Etzkorn, Manuel | Colloids and surfaces / B | 2171 | IBG-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Autoinhibition in the Signal Transducer CIN85 Modulates B Cell Activation | Sieme, Daniel; Engelke, Michael; Rezaei-Ghaleh, Nasrollah; Becker, Stefan; Wienands, Jürgen; Griesinger, Christian | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
The energy landscape of Aβ 42 : a funnel to disorder for the monomer becomes a folding funnel for self-assembly | Schäffler, Moritz; Wales, David J.; Strodel, Birgit | Chemical communications | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Extracting binding energies and binding modes from biomolecular simulations of fragment binding to endothiapepsin | Schmitz, Birte; Frieg, Benedikt; Homeyer, Nadine; Jessen, Gisela; Gohlke, Holger | Archiv der Pharmazie | 5111; 2171 | IBG-4, JSC, I:(DE-Juel1)NIC-20090406 | 9.3.2025 |
On-chip fabrication and in-flow 3D-printing of microgel constructs: from chip to scaffold materials in one integral process | Reineke, Benjamin; Paulus, Ilona; Löffelsend, Sophia; Yu, Chien-Hsin; Vinogradov, Dmitrii; Meyer, Anna; Hazur, Jonas; Röder, Jonas; Vollmer, Madita; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Hauschild, Stephan; Boccaccini, Aldo R; Groll, Juergen; Förster, Stephan | Biofabrication | 632 | JCNS-1, IBI-8 | 9.3.2025 |
Aplospojaveedins A–C, unusual sulfur-containing alkaloids produced by the endophytic fungus Aplosporella javeedii using OSMAC strategy | Gao, Ying; Frank, Marian; Teusch, Nicole; Woschko, Dennis; Janiak, Christoph; Mándi, Attila; Kurtán, Tibor; Hartmann, Rudolf; Schiedlauske, Katja; van Geelen, Lasse; Kalscheuer, Rainer; Kaiser, Jesko; Gertzen, Christoph G. W.; Gohlke, Holger; Wang, Bin; Proksch, Peter; Liu, Zhen | Frontiers in microbiology | 2171 | IBG-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Influence of Wobbling Tryptophan and Mutations on PET Degradation Explored by QM/MM Free Energy Calculations | Jäckering, Anna; van der Kamp, Marc; Strodel, Birgit; Zinovjev, Kirill | Journal of chemical information and modeling | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Evaluating Polarizable Biomembrane Simulations against Experiments | Antila, Hanne S.; Dixit, Sneha; Kav, Batuhan; Madsen, Jesper J.; Miettinen, Markus S.; Ollila, O. H. Samuli | Journal of chemical theory and computation | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
The search for an antiviral lead molecule to combat the neglected emerging Oropouche virus | Peinado, Rafaela dos Santos; Saivish, Marielena Vogel; Menezes, Gabriela de Lima; Fulco, Umberto Laino; da Silva, Roosevelt Alves; Korostov, Karolina; Eberle, Raphael Josef; Melo, Paulo A.; Nogueira, Maurício Lacerda; Pacca, Carolina Colombelli; Arni, Raghuvir Krishnaswamy; Coronado, Mônika Aparecida | Current research in microbial sciences | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Biradicals based on PROXYL containing building blocks for efficient dynamic nuclear polarization in biotolerant media | Herr, Kevin; Höfler, Mark V.; Heise, Henrike; Aussenac, Fabien; Kornemann, Felix; Rosenberger, David; Brodrecht, Martin; de Oliveira, Marcos; Buntkowsky, Gerd; Gutmann, Torsten | Journal of magnetic resonance open | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Photocontrolled Reversible Amyloid Fibril Formation of Parathyroid Hormone-Derived Peptides | Paschold, André; Schäffler, Moritz; Miao, Xincheng; Gardon, Luis; Krüger, Stephanie; Heise, Henrike; Röhr, Merle I. S.; Ott, Maria; Strodel, Birgit; Binder, Wolfgang H. | Bioconjugate chemistry | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Outcomes of the EMDataResource cryo-EM Ligand Modeling Challenge | Lawson, Catherine L.; Kryshtafovych, Andriy; Pintilie, Grigore D.; Burley, Stephen K.; Černý, Jiří; Chen, Vincent B.; Emsley, Paul; Gobbi, Alberto; Joachimiak, Andrzej; Noreng, Sigrid; Prisant, Michael G.; Read, Randy J.; Richardson, Jane S.; Rohou, Alexis L.; Schneider, Bohdan; Sellers, Benjamin D.; Shao, Chenghua; Sourial, Elizabeth; Williams, Chris I.; Williams, Christopher J.; Yang, Ying; Abbaraju, Venkat; Afonine, Pavel V.; Baker, Matthew L.; Bond, Paul S.; Blundell, Tom L.; Burnley, Tom; Campbell, Arthur; Cao, Renzhi; Cheng, Jianlin; Chojnowski, Grzegorz; Cowtan, K. D.; DiMaio, Frank; Esmaeeli, Reza; Giri, Nabin; Grubmüller, Helmut; Hoh, Soon Wen; Hou, Jie; Hryc, Corey F.; Hunte, Carola; Igaev, Maxim; Joseph, Agnel P.; Kao, Wei-Chun; Kihara, Daisuke; Kumar, Dilip; Lang, Lijun; Lin, Sean; Maddhuri Venkata Subramaniya, Sai R.; Mittal, Sumit; Mondal, Arup; Moriarty, Nigel W.; Muenks, Andrew; Murshudov, Garib N.; Nicholls, Robert A.; Olek, Mateusz; Palmer, Colin M.; Perez, Alberto; Pohjolainen, Emmi; Pothula, Karunakar R.; Rowley, Christopher N.; Sarkar, Daipayan; Schäfer, Luisa U.; Schlicksup, Christopher J.; Schröder, Gunnar F.; Shekhar, Mrinal; Si, Dong; Singharoy, Abhishek; Sobolev, Oleg V.; Terashi, Genki; Vaiana, Andrea C.; Vedithi, Sundeep C.; Verburgt, Jacob; Wang, Xiaoxiao; Warshamanage, Rangana; Winn, Martyn D.; Weyand, Simone; Yamashita, Keitaro; Zhao, Minglei; Schmid, Michael F.; Berman, Helen M.; Chiu, Wah | Nature methods | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Bifurcations in coupled amyloid-β aggregation-inflammation systems | Chakrabarti, Kalyan S.; Bakhtiari, Davood; Rezaei-Ghaleh, Nasrollah | npj Systems biology and applications | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Extensive targeting of chemical space at the prime side of ketoamide inhibitors of rhomboid proteases by branched substituents empowers their selectivity and potency | Bach, Kathrin; Dohnálek, Jan; Škerlová, Jana; Kuzmík, Ján; Poláchová, Edita; Stanchev, Stancho; Majer, Pavel; Fanfrlík, Jindřich; Pecina, Adam; Řezáč, Jan; Lepšík, Martin; Borshchevskiy, Valentin; Polovinkin, Vitaly; Strisovsky, Kvido | European journal of medicinal chemistry | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
An orally available Ca v 2.2 calcium channel inhibitor for the treatment of neuropathic pain | Kutzsche, Janine; Guzman, Gustavo A.; Willuweit, Antje; Kletke, Olaf; Wollert, Esther; Gering, Ian; Jürgens, Dagmar; Breitkreutz, Jörg; Stark, Holger; Beck-Sickinger, Annette G.; Klöcker, Nikolaj; Hidalgo, Patricia; Willbold, Dieter | British journal of pharmacology | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Structure and dimerization properties of the plant-specific copper chaperone CCH | Dluhosch, Dominik; Kersten, Lisa Sophie; Schott-Verdugo, Stephan; Hoppen, Claudia; Schwarten, Melanie; Willbold, Dieter; Gohlke, Holger; Groth, Georg | Scientific reports | 2171; 5241 | IBG-4 | 9.3.2025 |
A brief history of amyloid aggregation simulations | Fatafta, Hebah; Khaled, Mohammed; Kav, Batuhan; Olubiyi, Olujide O.; Strodel, Birgit | Wiley interdisciplinary reviews / Computational Molecular Science | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Large dynamics of a phase separating arginine-glycine-rich domain revealed via nuclear and electron spins | Sicoli, Giuseppe; Sieme, Daniel; Overkamp, Kerstin; Khalil, Mahdi; Backer, Robin; Griesinger, Christian; Willbold, Dieter; Rezaei-Ghaleh, Nasrollah | Nature Communications | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
GABARAP interacts with EGFR — supporting the unique role of this hAtg8 protein during receptor trafficking | Üffing, Alina; Weiergräber, Oliver H.; Schwarten, Melanie; Hoffmann, Silke; Willbold, Dieter | FEBS letters | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
From Bulk to Binding: Decoding the Entry of PET into Hydrolase Binding Pockets | Jäckering, Anna; Göttsch, Frederike; Schäffler, Moritz; Doerr, Mark; Bornscheuer, Uwe T.; Wei, Ren; Strodel, Birgit | JACS Au | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
A subgroup of light-driven sodium pumps with an additional Schiff base counterion | Podoliak, E.; Lamm, G. H. U.; Marin, E.; Schellbach, A. V.; Fedotov, D. A.; Stetsenko, A.; Asido, M.; Maliar, N.; Bourenkov, G.; Balandin, T.; Baeken, C.; Astashkin, R.; Schneider, T. R.; Bateman, A.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schapiro, I.; Busskamp, V.; Guskov, A.; Gordeliy, V.; Alekseev, A.; Kovalev, K. | Nature Communications | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Blood-based quantification of Aβ oligomers indicates impaired clearance from brain in ApoE ε4 positive subjects | Blömeke, Lara; Rehn, Fabian; Pils, Marlene; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria; Cousin, Anneliese; Kutzsche, Janine; Bujnicki, Tuyen; Freiesleben, Silka D.; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie; Preis, Lukas; Priller, Josef; Spruth, Eike J.; Altenstein, Slawek; Schneider, Anja; Fliessbach, Klaus; Wiltfang, Jens; Hansen, Niels; Rostamzadeh, Ayda; Düzel, Emrah; Glanz, Wenzel; Incesoy, Enise I.; Buerger, Katharina; Janowitz, Daniel; Ewers, Michael; Perneczky, Robert; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan; Teipel, Stefan; Kilimann, Ingo; Laske, Christoph; Munk, Matthias H.; Spottke, Annika; Roy, Nina; Heneka, Michael T.; Brosseron, Frederic; Wagner, Michael; Roeske, Sandra; Ramirez, Alfredo; Schmid, Matthias; Jessen, Frank; Bannach, Oliver; Peters, Oliver; Willbold, Dieter | Communications medicine | 5244 | 9.3.2025 | |
Mutation-induced LZTR1 polymerization provokes cardiac pathology in recessive Noonan syndrome | Busley, Alexandra Viktoria; Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, Óscar; Hammer, Elke; Koitka, Fabian; Mirzaiebadizi, Amin; Steinegger, Martin; Pape, Constantin; Böhmer, Linda; Schroeder, Henning; Kleinsorge, Mandy; Engler, Melanie; Cirstea, Ion Cristian; Gremer, Lothar; Willbold, Dieter; Altmüller, Janine; Marbach, Felix; Hasenfuss, Gerd; Zimmermann, Wolfram-Hubertus; Ahmadian, Mohammad Reza; Wollnik, Bernd; Cyganek, Lukas | Cell reports | 5241 | 9.3.2025 |
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