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Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 43
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Decoupling the Kinetic Essence of Iron‐Based Anodes through Anionic Modulation for Rational Potassium‐Ion Battery Design | Ma, Meng; Yao, Kai; Wang, Yikun; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Chong, Shaokun | Advanced functional materials | 1223; 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
Experimental Investigation of Naphthalene Induced Degradation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells Operated on Bio-Syngas | Steinrücken, B.; Herrmann, S.; Kerscher, F.; Feigl, K.; Schwiers, A.; Lenser, C.; Menzler, N. H.; Guillon, Olivier; Spliethoff, H. | Journal of the Electrochemical Society | 1231 | 9.3.2025 | |
Systematic Approach to Optimize Technological and Economical Aspects of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings | Igel, Jens; Mauer, Georg; Guillon, Olivier; Vaßen, Robert | Advanced engineering materials | 1241 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Fabrication, oxidation and creep behavior of Ti2AlN composites | Li, Xiaoqiang; Qi, Jia; Wessel, Egbert; Gonzalez-Julian, Jesus; Schwaiger, Ruth; Malzbender, Jürgen | Ceramics international | 1241 | IEK-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Bulk and grain boundary conductivity in doped BaZrO3: Bulk contribution dominates at operating temperatures | Ebert, Julian; Jennings, Dylan; Schäfer, Laura-Alena; Sebold, Doris; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang | Scripta materialia | 1231 | 9.3.2025 | |
Integrating State of the Art Zirconia Thermal Barriers with Ytterbium Silicate Environmental Barriers for Silicon-Based Ceramic Turbine Components | Gildersleeve, Edward J.; Bakan, Emine; Vaßen, Robert | Journal of thermal spray technology | 1241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Cold sintering of BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-ẟ ceramics: Phase formation and grain boundary properties | Kindelmann, Moritz; Ebert, Julian N.; Jennings, Dylan; Sebold, Doris; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang; Bram, Martin; Mayer, Joachim; Guillon, Olivier | Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 5353; 1231 | ER-C-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Microstructural and compositional design of Cr2AlC MAX phases and their impact on oxidation resistance | Azina, Clio; Poll, Melina; Holzapfel, Damian M.; Tailleur, Elodie; Zuber, Axel; Dubois, Sylvain; Eklund, Per; Gonzalez-Julian, Jesus | Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 1242 | 9.3.2025 | |
PTFE nanofiber cross-linked acetylene black: A flexible self-supporting semi-confined architecture for ultra-high sulfur loading and areal capacity | Xu, Zhanwei; Ren, Yuchuan; Shen, Xuetao; Yao, Kai; Li, Jiayin; Luo, Hao; Li, Liang; Li, Zhi; Huang, Jianfeng | Energy storage materials | 1222 | 9.3.2025 | |
Combining Janus Separator and Organic Cathode for Dendrite‐Free and High‐Performance Na‐Organic Batteries | Wu, Yan; Wang, Xingchao; Zhang, Fei; Hai, Lijuan; Chen, QiHua; Chao, Cuiqin; Yang, Aikai; Sun, Ying; Jia, Dianzeng | Advanced functional materials | 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
Wet powder spraying – A versatile and highly effective technique for the application of spinel-type protective coatings on SOC interconnects | Wolff, Michael; Schwiers, Alexander; Wilkner, Kai; Sebold, Doris; Menzler, Norbert H. | Journal of power sources | 1231 | 9.3.2025 | |
Lifetime Extension of Atmospheric and Suspension Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings in Burner Rig Tests by Pre-Oxidizing the CoNiCrAlY Bond Coats | Igel, Jens; Scheld, Walter Sebastian; Mack, Daniel Emil; Guillon, Olivier; Vaßen, Robert | Coatings | 1241 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Synergetic impact of dual substitution on anionic–Cationic activity of P2-type sodium manganese oxide | Kim, Hye-Jin; Voronina, Natalia; Köster, Konstantin; Kim, A-Yeon; Jung, Hun-Gi; Kim, Hyungsub; Yazawa, Koji; Yashiro, Hitoshi; Kaghazchi, Payam; Myung, Seung-Taek | Energy storage materials | 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
Thermal Barrier Coatings in burner rig experiment analyzed through LAser Shock for DAmage Monitoring (LASDAM) method | Mahfouz, Lara; Maurel, Vincent; Guipont, Vincent; Marchand, Basile; El Hourany, Rami; Coudon, Florent; Mack, Daniel E.; Vaßen, Robert | Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 1241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Thermal stability and coalescence dynamics of exsolved metal nanoparticles at charged perovskite surfaces | Weber, Moritz L.; Jennings, Dylan; Fearn, Sarah; Cavallaro, Andrea; Prochazka, Michal; Gutsche, Alexander; Heymann, Lisa; Guo, Jia; Yasin, Liam; Cooper, Samuel J.; Mayer, Joachim; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang; Dittmann, Regina; Waser, Rainer; Guillon, Olivier; Lenser, Christian; Skinner, Stephen J.; Aguadero, Ainara; Nemšák, Slavomír; Gunkel, Felix | Nature Communications | 5233 | PGI-7, JARA-FIT, JARA-ENERGY, ER-C-2, PGI-10 | 9.3.2025 |
Space charge governs the kinetics of metal exsolution | Weber, Moritz L.; Šmíd, Břetislav; Breuer, Uwe; Rose, Marc-André; Menzler, Norbert H.; Dittmann, Regina; Waser, Rainer; Guillon, Olivier; Gunkel, Felix; Lenser, Christian | Nature materials | 5233; 1231 | PGI-7, JARA-FIT, ZEA-3 | 9.3.2025 |
Simultaneous Enhancement of Lithium Transfer Kinetics and Structural Stability in Dual-Phase TiO 2 Electrodes by Ruthenium Doping | Zheng, Jie; Xia, Rui; Yaqoob, Najma; Kaghazchi, Payam; ten Elshof, Johan E.; Huijben, Mark | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
Tooling in Spark Plasma Sintering Technology: Design, Optimization, and Application | Laptev, Alexander M.; Bram, Martin; Garbiec, Dariusz; Räthel, Jan; van der Laan, Antoine; Beynet, Yannick; Huber, Jens; Küster, Matthias; Cologna, Marco; Guillon, Olivier | Advanced engineering materials | 1222 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Adjusting Residual Stresses During Cold Spray Deposition of IN718 | Schmitt, Johannes-Christian; Fiebig, J.; Schrüfer, S.; Guillon, Olivier; Vaßen, R. | Journal of thermal spray technology | 1241 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Plasma sprayed duplex ytterbium disilicate/monosilicate EBCs and the transformation from ytterbia to ytterbium monosilicate during burner rig testing | Bakan, Emine; Zhou, Dapeng; Mack, Daniel E.; Koch, Dietmar; Vaßen, Robert | Corrosion science | 1241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Influence of carbon content on the ionic and electronic conductivities of dense Na3V2(PO4)3/C composites | Soundaraj, Pradhyun Veerapanaicker; Dashjav, Enkhtsetseg; Grüner, Daniel; Prünte, Stephan; Dellen, Christian; Tietz, Frank | Journal of power sources advances | 1222 | IEK-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Surface Patterning of Metal Zinc Electrode with an In-Region Zincophilic Interface for High-Rate and Long-Cycle-Life Zinc Metal Anode | Wang, Tian; Xi, Qiao; Yao, Kai; Liu, Yuhang; Fu, Hao; Kavarthapu, Venkata Siva; Lee, Jun Kyu; Tang, Shaocong; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Ai, Wei; Yu, Jae Su | Nano-Micro letters | 1222 | 9.3.2025 | |
Migration of Mg in Na–O–Mg Configuration for Oxygen Redox of Sodium Cathode | Yu, Jun Ho; Voronina, Natalia; Yaqoob, Najma; Kim, Sungkyu; Paidi, Anil Kumar; Ahn, Docheon; Ihm, Kyuwook; Chae, Keun Hwa; Jeong, Min-Gi; Jung, Hun-Gi; Guillon, Olivier; Kaghazchi, Payam; Myung, Seung-Taek | ACS energy letters | 1221 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Impact of the sintering parameters on the microstructural and transport properties of 60 wt% Ce 0.8 Gd 0.2 O 2− δ –40 wt% FeCo 2 O 4 composites | Fischer, Liudmila; Ran, Ke; Sebold, Doris; Behr, Patrick; Baumann, Stefan; Mayer, Joachim; Nijmeijer, Arian; Bouwmeester, Henny; Guillon, Olivier; Meulenberg, Wilhelm A. | Materials advances | 1232; 5353 | ER-C-2, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Blacklight sintering of garnet-based composite cathodes | Scheld, Walter Sebastian; Ebert, Julian N.; Scherer, Michael; Fulanovic, Lovro; Porz, Lukas; Dellen, Christian; Ihrig, Martin; Uhlenbruck, Sven; Finsterbusch, Martin; Guillon, Olivier; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang | Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 1222 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
The role of the local structural properties in the electrochemical characteristics of Na1-xFe1-yNiyO2 cathodes | Olszewski, Wojciech; Baiju, Sourav; Kaghazchi, Payam; Marini, Carlo; Mortemard de Boisse, Benoit; Okubo, Masashi; Yamada, Atsuo; Mizokawa, Takashi; Saini, Naurang Lal; Simonelli, Laura | Materials today / Energy | 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
Highly conductive grain boundaries in cold-sintered barium zirconate-based proton conductors | Kindelmann, Moritz; Escolastico, Sonia; Almar, Laura; Vayyala, Ashok; Jennings, Dylan; Deibert, Wendelin; Meulenberg, Wilhelm A.; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang; Bram, Martin; Serra, Jose M.; Mayer, Joachim; Guillon, Olivier | Journal of materials chemistry / A | 1231 | ER-C-2, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Lanthanide element variation in rare earth doped ceria – FeCo2O4 dual phase oxygen transport membranes | Fischer, Liudmila; Ran, Ke; Schmidt, Christina; Neuhaus, Kerstin; Baumann, Stefan; Behr, Patrick; Mayer, Joachim; Bouwmeester, Henny J. M.; Nijmeijer, Arian; Guillon, Olivier; Meulenberg, Wilhelm A. | Open ceramics | 1232 | IEK-12, ER-C-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Phase stability, redox-behavior and carbon-tolerance of Sr 1− x (Ti 0.3 Fe 0.7− y Ni y )O 3− δ with exsolved nanoparticles | Schwiers, Alexander; Röhrer, Daniel; Lenser, Christian; Steinrücken, Benjamin; Sebold, Doris; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Guillon, Olivier; Menzler, Norbert H. | Journal of materials chemistry / A | 1231 | JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Al‐doped ZnO‐Coated LiNi 1/3 Mn 1/3 Co 1/3 O 2 Powder Electrodes: The Effect of a Coating Layer on The Structural and Chemical Stability of The Electrode / Electrolyte Interface | Makvandi, Ardavan; Wolff, Michael; Lobe, Sandra; Heidrich, Bastian; Peterlechner, Martin; Gammer, Christoph; Uhlenbruck, Sven; Winter, Martin; Wilde, Gerhard | Advanced materials interfaces | 1221 | JARA-ENERGY, IEK-12 | 9.3.2025 |
Unraveling the Enhanced N 2 Activity on CuNi Alloy Catalysts for Ammonia Production: Experiments, DFT, and Statistical Analysis | Agharezaei, Parastoo; Tomohiro, Noguchi Goroh; Kobayashi, Hirokazu; Schlenz, Hartmut; Yamauchi, Miho; Ghuman, Kulbir Kaur | The journal of physical chemistry / C | 1232 | 9.3.2025 | |
Direct Recycling of Hot‐Deformed Nd–Fe–B Magnet Scrap by Field‐Assisted Sintering Technology | Keszler, Monica; Grosswendt, Felix; Assmann, Anna-Caroline; Krengel, Martin; Maccari, Fernando; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Sebold, Doris; Guillon, Olivier; Weber, Sebastian; Bram, Martin | Advanced energy & sustainability research | 899 | 9.3.2025 | |
Enabling High-Performance Hybrid Solid-State Batteries by Improving the Microstructure of Free-Standing LATP/LFP Composite Cathodes | Ihrig, Martin; Dashjav, Enkhtsetseg; Odenwald, Philipp; Dellen, Christian; Grüner, Daniel; Gross, Jürgen; Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Hanh; Lin, Yu-Hsing; Scheld, Walter Sebastian; Lee, Changhee; Schwaiger, Ruth; Mahmoud, Abdelfattah; Malzbender, Jürgen; Guillon, Olivier; Uhlenbruck, Sven; Finsterbusch, Martin; Tietz, Frank; Teng, Hsisheng; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 1222 | IEK-2, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Doping‐Induced Surface and Grain Boundary Effects in Ni‐Rich Layered Cathode Materials | Kuo, Liang-Yin; Roitzheim, Christoph; Valencia, Helen; Mayer, Joachim; Möller, Sören; Myung, Seung-Taek; Finsterbusch, Martin; Guillon, Olivier; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Kaghazchi, Payam | Small | 5353; 1221 | ER-C-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Reducing the environmental footprint of solid-electrolytes - a green synthesis route for LATP | Rosen, Melanie; Hecker, Philipp; Mann, Markus; Ma, Qianli; Gross, Jürgen Peter; Schwaiger, Ruth; Guillon, Olivier; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Finsterbusch, Martin | Green chemistry | 1221 | IEK-2, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
The Potential of High-Velocity Air-Fuel Spraying (HVAF) to Manufacture Bond Coats for Thermal Barrier Coating Systems | Mauer, Georg; Rauwald, Karl-Heinz; Sohn, Yoo Jung; Vaßen, Robert | Journal of thermal spray technology | 1241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Cold sintering of proton-conducting half cells based on BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3-δ/NiO | Kindelmann, Moritz; Bram, Martin; Mayer, Joachim; Guillon, Olivier | Ceramics international / Ci news | 1232; 5353 | JARA-ENERGY, ER-C-2 | 9.3.2025 |
Preparation and electrochemical properties of Li6La3Zr0.7Ti0.3Ta0.5Sb0.5O12 high-entropy Li-garnet solid electrolyte | Ye, Ruijie; Ting, Yin-Ying; Dashjav, Enkhtsetseg; Ma, Qianli; Taminato, Sou; Mori, Daisuke; Imanishi, Nobuyuki; Kowalski, Piotr M.; Eikerling, Michael H.; Kaghazchi, Payam; Finsterbusch, Martin; Guillon, Olivier | Frontiers in energy research | 1221 | IMD-2, IET-3, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Interaction between proton conducting BaCe0.2Zr0.7Y0.1O3 electrolyte and structural ceramics during sintering | Schulze-Küppers, Falk; Duburg, Jacobus C.; Deibert, Wendelin; Sohn, Yoo Jung; Guillon, Olivier; Sebold, Doris; Natour, Ghaleb; Meulenberg, Wilhelm Albert | Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 1232; 1231 | ZEA-1, JARA-ENERGY | 9.3.2025 |
Using optical emission spectroscopy in atmospheric conditions to track the inflight reduction of plasma sprayed TiO2−x feedstock for thermoelectric applications | Mauer, Georg; Gildersleeve V, Edward J. | Scientific reports | 1241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Ni/GDC Fuel Electrode for Low-Temperature SOFC and its Aging Behavior Under Accelerated Stress | Liu, Y.; Juckel, M.; Menzler, N. H.; Mock, Annette | Journal of the Electrochemical Society | 1231 | INM-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Deposition of Sodium Metal at the Copper‐NaSICON Interface for Reservoir‐Free Solid‐State Sodium Batteries | Ortmann, Till; Fuchs, Till; Eckhardt, Janis K.; Ding, Ziming; Ma, Qianli; Tietz, Frank; Kübel, Christian; Rohnke, Marcus; Janek, Jürgen | Advanced energy materials | 1222; 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
CoS2 confined into N-doped coal-based carbon fiber as flexible anode for high performance potassium-ion capacitor | Wang, Pengyue; Hu, Tianran; Guo, Yong; Cui, Yincang; Wang, Ruiying; Yang, Aikai; Huang, Yudai; Wang, Xingchao | Journal of alloys and compounds | 1221 | 9.3.2025 | |
A perspective on the design, manufacturing, and energy content of oxide all-solid-state batteries with scaffold-based composite cathodes | Kriegler, Johannes; Finsterbusch, Martin; Liang, Yunhao; Jaimez-Farnham, Elena; Zaeh, Michael F. | Journal of power sources | 1222 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die nicht unter (A) fallen. Die Vergabe einer DOI ist zwingende Voraussetzung. Sonderfall Erde und Umwelt: Hier zählen einschließlich Bücher und Buchkapitel.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 1
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Phase-field determination of NaSICON materials in the quaternary system Na2O-P2O5-SiO2-ZrO2: II. Glass-ceramics and the phantom of excessive vacancy formation | Dashjav, Enkhtsetseg; Gerhards, Marie-Theres; Klein, Felix; Grüner, Daniel; Hansen, Thomas C.; Rohrer, Jochen; Albe, Karsten; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Tietz, Frank | Next energy | 1222 | IEK-2 | 9.3.2025 |
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Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
Titel | Autoren | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert | |
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Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
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