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Die Publikationen in den Abschnitten A und B sind alle Text-Publikationen, die nach Stand 9.3.2025 für die Programmberichte bzw. den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht für das Jahr 2024 gemeldet werden. Jülicher Autoren sind fett gedruckt.
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Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 16
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Kinetic and structural details of urease inactivation by thiuram disulphides | Mazzei, Luca; Paul, Arundhati; Cianci, Michele; Devodier, Marta; Mandelli, Davide; Carloni, Paolo; Ciurli, Stefano | Journal of inorganic biochemistry | 5241 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Impact of quantum and neuromorphic computing on biomolecular simulations: Current status and perspectives | Diaz-Pier, Sandra; Carloni, Paolo | Current opinion in structural biology | 5241; 5111 | JSC | 9.3.2025 |
Analogies and Differences in the Photoactivation Mechanism of Bathy and Canonical Bacteriophytochromes Revealed by Multiscale Modeling | Salvadori, Giacomo; Mennucci, Benedetta | The journal of physical chemistry letters | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
A conserved peptide-binding pocket in HyNaC/ASIC ion channels | Ortega-Ramírez, Audrey Magdalena; Albani, Simone; Bachmann, Michèle; Schmidt, Axel; Pinoé-Schmidt, Manuela; Assmann, Marc; Augustinowski, Katrin; Rossetti, Giulia; Gründer, Stefan | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 5252 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
3D DFT by block tensor-matrix multiplication via a modified Cannon's algorithm: Implementation and scaling on distributed-memory clusters with fat tree networks | Malapally, Nitin; Bolnykh, Viacheslav; Suarez, Estela; Carloni, Paolo; Lippert, Thomas; Mandelli, Davide | Journal of parallel and distributed computing | 5241 | IAS-5, JSC, INM-11 | 9.3.2025 |
Unexpected Single-Ligand Occupancy and Negative Cooperativity in the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease | Albani, Simone; Costanzi, Elisa; Hoang, Gia Linh; Kuzikov, Maria; Frings, Marcus; Ansari, Narjes; Demitri, Nicola; Nguyen, Toan T.; Rizzi, Valerio; Schulz, Jörg B.; Bolm, Carsten; Zaliani, Andrea; Carloni, Paolo; Storici, Paola; Rossetti, Giulia | Journal of chemical information and modeling | 899 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Transport mechanisms of DgoT—a bacterial homolog of organic anion transporters | Dmitrieva, Nataliia; Gholami, Samira; Alleva, Claudia; Alfonso-Prieto, Mercedes; Carloni, Paolo; Fahlke, Christoph M. | Biophysical journal | 5241 | IBI-1, IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Quasi-two-dimensional dispersions of Brownian particles with competitive interactions: phase behavior and structural properties | Tan, Zihan; Calandrini, Vania; Dhont, Jan K. G.; Nägele, Gerhard | Soft matter | 5244 | IBI-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Exascale simulations and beyond | Carloni, Paolo; Sanbonmatsu, Karissa | Current opinion in structural biology | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Effective Data-Driven Collective Variables for Free Energy Calculations from Metadynamics of Paths | Mandelli, Davide | PNAS nexus | 5241 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Calcium-Driven In Silico Inactivation of a Human Olfactory Receptor | Pirona, Lorenza; Ballabio, Federico; Alfonso-Prieto, Mercedes; Capelli, Riccardo | Journal of chemical information and modeling | 5241 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Light-Activated Agonist-Potentiator of GABA A Receptors for Reversible Neuroinhibition in Wildtype Mice | Maleeva, Galyna; Nin-Hill, Alba; Wirth, Ulrike; Rustler, Karin; Ranucci, Matteo; Opar, Ekin; Rovira, Carme; Bregestovski, Piotr; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich; König, Burkhard; Alfonso-Prieto, Mercedes; Gorostiza, Pau | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 5241; 5251; 5252 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
Impact of Phosphorylation on the Physiological Form of Human alpha-Synuclein in Aqueous Solution | de Bruyn, Emile; Dorn, Anton Emil; Rossetti, Giulia; Fernandez, Claudio; Outeiro, Tiago F.; Schulz, Jörg B.; Carloni, Paolo | Journal of chemical information and modeling | 5111; 5112 | JSC, INM-11 | 9.3.2025 |
Multiscale biomolecular simulations in the exascale era | Carrasco-Busturia, David; Ippoliti, Emiliano; Meloni, Simone; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Olsen, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard | Current opinion in structural biology | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
MiMiC: A high-performance framework for multiscale molecular dynamics simulations | Antalík, Andrej; Levy, Andrea; Kvedaravičiūtė, Sonata; Johnson, Sophia K.; Carrasco-Busturia, David; Raghavan, Bharath; Mouvet, François; Acocella, Angela; Das, Sambit; Gavini, Vikram; Mandelli, Davide; Ippoliti, Emiliano; Meloni, Simone; Carloni, Paolo; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Olsen, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard | The journal of chemical physics | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
Depletion of membrane cholesterol modifies structure, dynamic and activation of Nav1.7 | Albani, Simone; Eswaran, Vishal Sudha Bhagavath; Piergentili, Alessia; de Souza, Paulo Cesar Telles; Lampert, Angelika; Rossetti, Giulia | International journal of biological macromolecules | 899 | 9.3.2025 | |
How exascale computing can shape drug design: A perspective from multiscale QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning-aided enhanced sampling algorithms | Rossetti, Giulia; Mandelli, Davide | Current opinion in structural biology | 5241 | 9.3.2025 | |
All-Atom Biomolecular Simulation in the Exascale Era | Beck, Thomas L.; Carloni, Paolo; Asthagiri, Dilipkumar N. | Journal of chemical theory and computation | 5241 | IAS-5 | 9.3.2025 |
A community effort to discover small molecule SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors | Schimunek, Johannes; Seidl, Philipp; Elez, Katarina; Hempel, Tim; Le, Tuan; Noé, Frank; Olsson, Simon; Raich, Lluís; Winter, Robin; Gokcan, Hatice; Gusev, Filipp; Gutkin, Evgeny M.; Isayev, Olexandr; Kurnikova, Maria G.; Narangoda, Chamali H.; Zubatyuk, Roman; Bosko, Ivan P.; Furs, Konstantin V.; Karpenko, Anna D.; Kornoushenko, Yury V.; Shuldau, Mikita; Yushkevich, Artsemi; Benabderrahmane, Mohammed B.; Bousquet-Melou, Patrick; Bureau, Ronan; Charton, Beatrice; Cirou, Bertrand C.; Gil, Gérard; Allen, William J.; Sirimulla, Suman; Watowich, Stanley; Antonopoulos, Nick A.; Epitropakis, Nikolaos E.; Krasoulis, Agamemnon K.; Pitsikalis, Vassilis P.; Theodorakis, Stavros T.; Kozlovskii, Igor; Maliutin, Anton; Medvedev, Alexander; Popov, Petr; Zaretckii, Mark; Eghbal-zadeh, Hamid; Halmich, Christina; Hochreiter, Sepp; Mayr, Andreas; Ruch, Peter; Widrich, Michael; Berenger, Francois; Kumar, Ashutosh; Yamanishi, Yoshihiro; Zhang, Kam Y. J.; Bengio, Emmanuel; Bengio, Yoshua; Jain, Moksh J.; Korablyov, Maksym; Liu, Cheng-Hao; Marcou, Gilles; Glaab, Enrico; Barnsley, Kelly; Iyengar, Suhasini M.; Ondrechen, Mary Jo; Haupt, V. Joachim; Kaiser, Florian; Schroeder, Michael; Pugliese, Luisa; Albani, Simone; Athanasiou, Christina; Beccari, Andrea; Carloni, Paolo; D'Arrigo, Giulia; Gianquinto, Eleonora; Goßen, Jonas; Hanke, Anton; Joseph, Benjamin P.; Kokh, Daria B.; Kovachka, Sandra; Manelfi, Candida; Mukherjee, Goutam; Muñiz-Chicharro, Abraham; Musiani, Francesco; Nunes-Alves, Ariane; Paiardi, Giulia; Rossetti, Giulia; Sadiq, S. Kashif; Spyrakis, Francesca; Talarico, Carmine; Tsengenes, Alexandros; Wade, Rebecca C.; Copeland, Conner; Gaiser, Jeremiah; Olson, Daniel R.; Roy, Amitava; Venkatraman, Vishwesh; Wheeler, Travis J.; Arthanari, Haribabu; Blaschitz, Klara; Cespugli, Marco; Durmaz, Vedat; Fackeldey, Konstantin; Fischer, Patrick D.; Gorgulla, Christoph; Gruber, Christian; Gruber, Karl; Hetmann, Michael; Kinney, Jamie E.; Padmanabha Das, Krishna M.; Pandita, Shreya; Singh, Amit; Steinkellner, Georg; Tesseyre, Guilhem; Wagner, Gerhard; Wang, Zi-Fu; Yust, Ryan J.; Druzhilovskiy, Dmitry S.; Filimonov, Dmitry A.; Pogodin, Pavel V.; Poroikov, Vladimir; Rudik, Anastassia V.; Stolbov, Leonid A.; Veselovsky, Alexander V.; De Rosa, Maria; De Simone, Giada; Gulotta, Maria R.; Lombino, Jessica; Mekni, Nedra; Perricone, Ugo; Casini, Arturo; Embree, Amanda; Gordon, D. Benjamin; Lei, David; Pratt, Katelin; Voigt, Christopher A.; Chen, Kuang-Yu; Jacob, Yves; Krischuns, Tim; Lafaye, Pierre; Zettor, Agnès; Rodríguez, M. Luis; White, Kris M.; Fearon, Daren; Von Delft, Frank; Walsh, Martin A.; Horvath, Dragos; Brooks III, Charles L.; Falsafi, Babak; Ford, Bryan; García-Sastre, Adolfo; Lee, Sang Yup; Naffakh, Nadia; Varnek, Alexandre; Klambauer, Günter; Hermans, Thomas M. | Molecular informatics | 899 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die nicht unter (A) fallen. Die Vergabe einer DOI ist zwingende Voraussetzung. Sonderfall Erde und Umwelt: Hier zählen einschließlich Bücher und Buchkapitel.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Rational Design of Ligands with Optimized Residence Time | Paolo Carloni; Giulia Rossetti; Christa E. Müller | ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Structural insights into light-gating of potassium-selective channelrhodopsin | Takefumi Morizumi; Kyumhyuk Kim; Hai Li; Probal Nag; Oleg A. Sineshchekov; Yumei Wang; Leonid S. Brown; Songhwan Hwang; Han Sun; Ana-Nicoleta Bondar; Igor Schapiro; Elena G. Govorunova; John L. Spudich; Oliver P. Ernst | Nature Communications | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.
Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.
Da auf Jülich DATA bislang noch nicht zwischen Daten- und Software-Publikationen unterschieden wird, wird hier teilweise auch Software verzeichnet. Das ist aktuell für das Berichtswesen noch nicht kritisch und wird ab dem nächsten Jahr vermieden.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 1
Titel | Autoren | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Molecular Dynamics Trajectories Exploring the Impact of Phosphorylation on the Physiological Form of Human alpha-Synuclein in Aqueous Solution | de Bruyn, Emile; Dorn, Anton; Rossetti, Giulia; Fernandez, Claudio Oscar; Outeiro, Tiago Fleming; Schulz, Jörg B.; Carloni, Paolo | 5111; 5112 | JSC, INM-11 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.
Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
Titel | Autoren | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert | |
keine |