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Die Publikationen in den Abschnitten A und B sind alle Text-Publikationen, die nach Stand 9.3.2025 für die Programmberichte bzw. den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht für das Jahr 2024 gemeldet werden. Jülicher Autoren sind fett gedruckt.
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Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 55
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Confined bicontinuous microemulsions: nanoscale dynamics of the surfactant film | Dahl, Margarethe; Holderer, Olaf; Haverkamp, René; Hoffmann, Ingo; Wood, Kathleen; Hübner, Jessica; Hellweg, Thomas; Wellert, Stefan | Soft matter | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-1, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Testing mixing rules for structural and dynamical quantities in multi-component crowded protein solutions | Gulotta, Alessandro; Bucciarelli, Saskia; Roosen-Runge, Felix; Holderer, Olaf; Schurtenberger, Peter; Stradner, Anna | APL bioengineering | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, JCNS-1, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Preface on thin films of advanced functional materials | Gupta, Mukul; Pütter, Sabine; Gupta, Surbhi | Applied surface science advances | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Thermal Density Fluctuations and Polymorphic Phase Transitions of Ethane (C 2 D 6 ) in the Gas/Liquid and Supercritical States | Pipich, Vitaliy; Kohlbrecher, Joachim; Schwahn, Dietmar | The journal of physical chemistry / B | 6G4 | JCNS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Amorphous 1-D nanowires of calcium phosphate/pyrophosphate: A demonstration of oriented self-growth of amorphous minerals | Feng, Chaobo; Lu, Bing-Qiang; Fan, Yunshan; Ni, Haijian; Zhao, Yunfei; Tan, Shuo; Zhou, Zhi; Liu, Lijia; Hachtel, Jordan A.; Kepaptsoglou, Demie; Wu, Baohu; Gebauer, Denis; He, Shisheng; Chen, Feng | Journal of colloid and interface science | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Using potassium bromide pellets and optical spectroscopy to assess the photodimerization of two trans -(trifluoromethyl)-cinnamic acid compounds | Ulambayar, Bayasgalan; Batchuluun, Khongorzul; Bariashir, Chantsalnyam; Uranbileg, Nergui; Stammler, Felix J.; Davaasambuu, Jav; Schrader, Tobias E. | CrystEngComm | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Compaction and clay content control mudrock porosity | Rezaeyan, Amirsaman; Kampman, Niko; Pipich, Vitaliy; Barnsley, Lester C.; Rother, Gernot; Magill, Clayton; Ma, Jingsheng; Busch, Andreas | Energy | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ, JCNS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Probing spin waves in Co$_{3}$O$_{4}$ nanoparticles for magnonics applications | Feygenson, Mikhail; Huang, Zhongyuan; Xiao, Yinguo; Teng, Xiaowei; Lohstroh, Wiebke; Nandakumaran, Nileena; Neuefeind, Jörg C.; Everett, Michelle; Podlesnyak, Andrey A.; Salazar-Alvarez, Germán; Ulusoy, Seda; Valvo, Mario; Su, Yixi; Ehlert, Sascha; Qdemat, Asma; Ganeva, Marina; Zhang, Lihua; Aronson, Meigan C. | Nanoscale | 6G4 | JCNS-2, PGI-4, JARA-FIT, I:(DE-Juel1)JCNS-ESS-20170404, JCNS-1, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Piezoionic Elastomers by Phase and Interface Engineering for High‐Performance Energy‐Harvesting Ionotronics | Zhu, Weiyan; Wu, Baohu; Lei, Zhouyue; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, JCNS-1, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Dynamics of Single-Chain Nanoparticles under Crowding: A Neutron Spin Echo Study | Robles-Hernández, Beatriz; Malo de Molina, Paula; Asenjo-Sanz, Isabel; Gonzalez-Burgos, Marina; Pasini, Stefano; Pomposo, José A.; Arbe, Arantxa; Colmenero, Juan | Macromolecules | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-1, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Self-compliant ionic skin by leveraging hierarchical hydrogen bond association | Ye, Huating; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Nature Communications | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Quality assessment of the wide-angle detection option planned at the high-intensity/extended Q -range SANS diffractometer KWS-2 combining experiments and McStas simulations | Radulescu, Aurel | Journal of applied crystallography | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Prompt gamma rays of terbium induced by inelastic scattering of fission neutrons | Ophoven, Niklas; Ilic, Zeljko; Mauerhofer, Eric; Randriamalala, Tsitohaina H.; Vezhlev, Egor; Stieghorst, Christian; Révay, Zsolt; Jolie, Jan; Strub, Erik | Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-2, PGI-4, JARA-FIT, JCNS-HBS | 9.3.2025 |
Making Sticky‐Slippery Switchable Fluorogels Through Self‐Adaptive Bicontinuous Phase Separation | Li, Xiaoxia; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Cellulose Solutions in Phosphoric Acid at Different Water Content | Alfassi, Gilad; Radulescu, Aurel; Lifshiz-Simon, Sapir; Rappoport, Sapir; Cohen, Yachin | Giant | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
A redox switch allows binding of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions in the cyanobacterial iron-binding protein FutA from Prochlorococcus | Bolton, Rachel; Machelett, Moritz M.; Stubbs, Jack; Axford, Danny; Caramello, Nicolas; Catapano, Lucrezia; Malý, Martin; Rodrigues, Matthew J.; Cordery, Charlotte; Tizzard, Graham J.; MacMillan, Fraser; Engilberge, Sylvain; von Stetten, David; Tosha, Takehiko; Sugimoto, Hiroshi; Worrall, Jonathan A. R.; Webb, Jeremy S.; Zubkov, Mike; Coles, Simon; Mathieu, Eric; Steiner, Roberto A.; Murshudov, Garib; Schrader, Tobias E.; Orville, Allen M.; Royant, Antoine; Evans, Gwyndaf; Hough, Michael A.; Owen, Robin L.; Tews, Ivo | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Planar XY magnetic glass state in the Gd$_2$ScNbO$_7$ pyrochlore | Mauws, C.; Beare, J.; Rutherford, M. R.; Su, Y.; Sharma, S.; Nugent, M.; Lee, M. K.; Chang, L. J.; Dunsiger, S. R.; Gardner, J. S.; Luke, G. M.; Wiebe, C. R. | Journal of physics / Condensed matter | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Large topological Hall effect in a chiral antiferromagnet in hopping transport regime | Yi, Changjiang; Peshcherenko, Nikolai; Zhou, Yishui; Samanta, Kartik; Yang, Qun; Roychowdhury, Subhajit; Yanda, Premakumar; Borrmann, Horst; Vergniory, Maia G.; Zhang, Yang; Su, Yixi; Shekhar, Chandra; Felser, Claudia | Physical review research | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-ILL, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
A Solid‐Liquid Bicontinuous Fiber with Strain‐Insensitive Ionic Conduction | Ye, Huating; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Random Field Ising Model Criticality in a Complex Binary Liquid System | Frielinghaus, Henrich; Dubey, Purushottam S.; Saha, Debasish; Shin, Eunjoo; Holderer, Olaf; Sengers, Jan V.; Förster, Stephan | Nanomaterials | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4, JCNS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Charge Regulation Triggers Condensation of Short Oligopeptides to Polyelectrolytes | Pineda, Sebastian P.; Staňo, Roman; Murmiliuk, Anastasiia; Blanco, Pablo M.; Montes, Patricia; Tošner, Zdeněk; Groborz, Ondřej; Pánek, Jiří; Hrubý, Martin; Štěpánek, Miroslav; Košovan, Peter | JACS Au | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Hydrogels with Differentiated Hydrogen‐Bonding Networks for Bioinspired Stress Response | Zhao, Wei; Wu, Baohu; Lei, Zhouyue; Wu, Peiyi | Angewandte Chemie | 632 | 9.3.2025 | |
PNIPAM Mesoglobules in Dependence on Pressure | Niebuur, Bart-Jan; Pipich, Vitaliy; Appavou, Marie-Sousai; Mullapudi, Dharani; Nieth, Alec; Rende, Eric; Schulte, Alfons; Papadakis, Christine M. | Langmuir | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-1, JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Evidence for distortion-induced local electric polarization in α-RuCl3 | Mi, Xinrun; Hou, De; Wang, Xiao; Hammouda, Sabreen; Liu, Caixing; Xiong, Zijian; Li, Han; Liu, Yan; Wang, Guiwen; Wang, Aifeng; Chai, Yisheng; Qi, Yang; Li, Wei; Zhou, Xiaoyuan; Su, Yixi; Khomskii, D. I.; He, Mingquan; Sheng, Zhigao; Sun, Young | Science China / Physics, mechanics & astronomy | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Peeling–Stiffening Self‐Adhesive Ionogel with Superhigh Interfacial Toughness | Shi, Yingkun; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, JCNS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
New insights into protein stabilized emulsions captured via neutron and X-ray scattering: An approach with β-lactoglobulin at triacylglyceride-oil/water interfaces | Heiden-Hecht, Theresia; Wu, Baohu; Schwärzer, Kuno; Förster, Stephan; Kohlbrecher, Joachim; Holderer, Olaf; Frielinghaus, Henrich | Journal of colloid and interface science | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-1, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Long-range magnetic order in CePdAl$_3$ enabled by orthorhombic deformation | Stekiel, Michal; Cermak, Petr; Franz, Christian; Meven, Martin; Legut, Dominik; Simeth, Wolfgang; Hansen, Ursula Bengaard; Fak, Björn; Weber, Stefan; Schönmann, Rudolf; Kumar, Vivek; Nemkovskiy, Kirill; Deng, Hao; Bauer, Andreas; Pfleiderer, Christian; Schneidewind, Astrid | Physical review research | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Thermal and combined high-temperature and high-pressure behavior of a natural intermediate scapolite | Lotti; Gatta, Diego G.; Gigli, Lara; Krüger, Hannes; Kahlenberg, Volker; Meven, Martin; Comoni, Davide; Milani, Sula; Merlini, Marco; Liermann, Hanns Peter | American mineralogist | 6G4 | JARA-FIT, JCNS-2, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Low‐Hysteresis and Tough Ionogels via Low‐Energy‐Dissipating Cross‐Linking | Sun, Bin; Liu, Kai; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Morphology and thermal transitions of self-assembled NIPAM-DMA copolymers in aqueous media depend on copolymer composition profile | Farias-Mancilla, Barbara; Balestri, Arianna; Zhang, Junliang; Frielinghaus, Henrich; Berti, Debora; Montis, Costanza; Destarac, Mathias; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Guerrero-Sanchez, Carlos; Harrisson, Simon; Lonetti, Barbara | Journal of colloid and interface science | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
This is MATE: A Multiple scAttering correcTion rEtrieval algorithm for accurate lidar profiling of seawater optical properties | Chen, Yatong; Cui, Xiaoyu; Gu, Qiuling; Zhou, Yudi; Zhao, Hongkai; Zhang, Han; Ma, Shizhe; Xu, Peituo; Frielinghaus, Henrich; Wu, Lan; Liu, Chong; Sun, Wenbo; Yang, Suhui; Hu, Miao; Liu, Qun; Liu, Dong | Remote sensing of environment | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Study of domain wall dynamics in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films | Sharma, Minaxi; Ojha, Brindaban; Mohanty, Shaktiranjan; Pütter, Sabine; Bedanta, Subhankar | Indian journal of physics | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Microstructural investigation of the cooperative gelation of syndiotactic polystyrene and high MW polyethylene glycol di-methyl ether in common solution in THF | Kaneko, Fumitoshi; Schiavone, Maria-Maddalena; Iwase, Hiroki; Takata, Shin-ichi; Allgaier, Jürgen; Radulescu, Aurel | Polymer | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Advances in Small Angle Neutron Scattering on Polysaccharide Materials | Fanova, Anastasiia; Sotiropoulos, Konstantinos; Radulescu, Aurel; Papagiannopoulos, Aristeidis | Polymers | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
First Measurement of Neutron Birefringence in Polarized 129Xe and 131Xe Nuclei | Babcock, Earl; Lu, H.; Barlow, M. J.; Basler, D.; Gutfreund, P.; Holderer, O.; Ioffe, A.; Pasini, S.; Pistel, P.; Salhi, Z.; Zhernenkov, K.; Goodson, B. M.; Snow, W. M.; Babcock, ; E. | Physical review / C | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Glass-ceramics and molybdenum doping synergistic approach for Nasicon-type solid-state electrolytes | Taoussi, S.; Hoummada, K.; Lahmar, A.; Naji, M.; Bih, H.; Alami, J.; Manoun, B.; El bouari, A.; frielinghaus, H.; Lazor, P.; Graça, M. P. F.; Bih, L. | Ceramics international / Ci news | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Individual and simultaneous encapsulation and delivery of incompatible dyes in biocompatible multicompartment terpolymer micelles | Jana, Somdeb; Byś, Katarzyna; Štěpánek, Miroslav; Pavlova, Ewa; Psurski, Mateusz; Mandal, Tarun K.; Appavou, Marie-Sousai; Uchman, Mariusz | European polymer journal | 6G4; 632 | MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
The affinity towards the hydrophobic region of biomimicking bacterial membranes drives the antimicrobial activity of EFV12 peptide from Lactobacillus gasseri gut microbiota | Vitiello, Giuseppe; Luchini, Alessandra; Di Napoli, Michela; Gallucci, Noemi; Cavasso, Domenico; Koutsioumpas, Alexandros; Varcamonti, Mario; Zanfardino, Anna; Fragneto, Giovanna; Paduano, Luigi | Journal of molecular liquids | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Learning from virtual experiments to assist users of Small Angle Neutron Scattering in model selection | Robledo, José Ignacio; Frielinghaus, Henrich; Willendrup, Peter; Lieutenant, Klaus | Scientific reports | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-2, JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Ab-initio DFT+ U study on the electronic correlation in multiferroic XY-antiferromagnetic Ba$_2$CoGe$_2$O$_7$ | Dutta, Rajesh; Thoma, Henrik; Sazonov, Andrew; Meven, Martin; Hutanu, Vladimir | Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials | 632 | JARA-FIT, JCNS-2, JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Entropy-Driven Design of Highly Impact-Stiffening Supramolecular Polymer Networks with Salt-Bridge Hydrogen Bonds | Qiao, Haiyan; Wu, Baohu; Sun, Shengtong; Wu, Peiyi | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Polyelectrolyte-protein synergism: pH-responsive polyelectrolyte/insulin complexes as versatile carriers for targeted protein and drug delivery | Murmiliuk, Anastasiia; Iwase, Hiroki; Kang, Jia-Jhen; Mohanakumar, Shilpa; Appavou, Marie-Sousai; Wood, Kathleen; Almásy, László; Len, Adél; Schwärzer, Kuno; Allgaier, Jürgen; Dulle, Martin; Gensch, Thomas; Förster, Beate; Ito, Kanae; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Wiegand, Simone; Förster, Stephan; Radulescu, Aurel | Journal of colloid and interface science | 6G4; 632; 5241 | MLZ, JCNS-4, IBI-1, IBI-4, JCNS-1, ER-C-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Engineering Multiscale Heterostructure as Ionic Diode and Light-Driven Ion Pump for Osmotic-Solar Energy Harvesting | Zhang, Xinyue; Wu, Baohu; Wu, Huiqing; Wu, Peiyi | CCS Chemistry | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Dynamics of Syndiotactic Polypropylene | Zamponi, Michaela; Pyckhout-Hintzen, Wim; Wischnewski, Andreas; Pipich, Vitaliy; Holderer, Olaf; Farago, Bela; Coates, Geoffrey W.; Long, Brian K.; Monkenbusch, Michael; Richter, Dieter | Macromolecules | 6G4 | JCNS-1, IBI-8, JCNS-2, PGI-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Effects of Functional Graft Polymers on Phase Separation and Ion-Channel Structures in Anion Exchange Membranes Analyzed by SANS Partial Scattering Function | Yoshimura, Kimio; Hiroki, Akihiro; Radulescu, Aurel; Noda, Yohei; Koizumi, Satoshi; Zhao, Yue; Maekawa, Yasunari | Macromolecules | 6G4 | JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Ferroelectric, Switchable Dielectric and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Inorganic–Organic Lead-Free 1D Hybrids Based on Bi(III) and Azetidine: (C 3 NH 8 ) 2 [BiCl 5 ], (C 3 NH 8 ) 2 [BiBr 5 ] | Rok, Magdalena; Zarychta, Bartosz; Zaręba, Jan K.; Krupińska, Aleksandra; Dziuk, Błażej; Durlak, Piotr; Janicki, Rafał; Jakubas, Ryszard; Bator, Grażyna; Medycki, Wojciech; Zamponi, Michaela; Piecha-Bisiorek, Anna | The journal of physical chemistry letters | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-1, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Impact of coating type on structure and magnetic properties of biocompatible iron oxide nanoparticles: insights into cluster organization and oxidation stability | Nasser, Amal; Qdemat, Asma; Unterweger, Harald; Tietze, Rainer; Sun, Xiao; Landers, Joachim; Kopp, Juri; Wu, Baohu; Appavou, Marie-Sousai; Murmiliuk, Anastasiia; Gilbert, Elliot Paul; Petracic, Oleg; Feoktystov, Artem | Physical chemistry, chemical physics | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, JCNS-2, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Hydrogels with Differentiated Hydrogen‐Bonding Networks for Bioinspired Stress Response | Zhao, Wei; Lei, Zhouyue; Wu, Baohu; Wu, Peiyi | Angewandte Chemie | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Topological aspects of multi-k antiferromagnetism in cubic rare-earth compounds | Simeth, W.; Rahn, M. C.; Bauer, A.; Meven, Martin; Pfleiderer, C. | Journal of physics / Condensed matter | 6G4; 632 | JARA-FIT, MLZ, JCNS-2, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Structural Factors for the Chemical Stability of Graft-Type Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Evaluated from the Local Hydration Number | Yoshimura, Kimio; Chen, Jinhua; Sawada, Shinichi; Radulescu, Aurel; Zhao, Yue; Maekawa, Yasunari | ACS applied polymer materials | 6G4; 632 | MLZ, JCNS-4 | 9.3.2025 |
Amphibious Polymer Materials with High Strength And Superb Toughness in Various Aquatic And Atmospheric Environments | Wan, Hongbo; Wu, Baohu; Hou, Lei; Wu, Peiyi | Advanced materials | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Structures, Phase Stability, Amorphization, and Decomposition of V 6 O 13 at High Pressures and Temperatures: Synthesis of Rutile-Related V 0.92 O 2 | Grzechnik, Andrzej; Hakala, B. Viliam; Kurig, Sophia; Walte, Nicolas; Tsujino, Noriyoshi; Kakizawa, Sho; Higo, Yuji; Zagorac, Dejan; Zagorac, Jelena; Dronskowski, Richard; Schön, J. Christian; Friese, Karen | Crystal growth & design | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-4, JCNS-2, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Ground-state magnetic structures of topological kagome metals R V 6 Sn 6 ( R = Tb , Dy , Ho , Er ) | Zhou, Yishui; Lee, Min-Kai; Hammouda, Sabreen; Devi, Sheetal; Yano, Shin-Ichiro; Sibille, Romain; Zaharko, Oksana; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Schmalzl, Karin; Beauvois, Ketty; Ressouche, Eric; Chang, Po-Chun; Huang, Chun-Hao; Chang, Lieh-Jeng; Brückel, Thomas; Su, Yixi | Physical review research | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-2, JARA-FIT, JCNS-4, JCNS-ILL | 9.3.2025 |
Hydrogen Bonding Competition Mediated Phase Separation with Abnormal Moisture‐Induced Stiffness Boosting | Xu, Jian; Wu, Baohu; Hou, Lei; Wu, Peiyi | Small | 632; 6G4 | JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Gaussian model of fluctuating membrane and its scattering properties | Gommes, Cedric J.; Dubey, Purushottam S.; Stadler, Andreas M.; Wu, Baohu; Czakkel, Orsolya; Porcar, Lionel; Jaksch, Sebastian; Frielinghaus, Henrich; Holderer, Olaf | Physical review / E | 6G4; 632 | JCNS-1, JCNS-4, MLZ | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die nicht unter (A) fallen. Die Vergabe einer DOI ist zwingende Voraussetzung. Sonderfall Erde und Umwelt: Hier zählen einschließlich Bücher und Buchkapitel.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Damp‐Heat–Induced Degradation of Lightweight Silicon Heterojunction Solar Modules With Different Transparent Conductive Oxide Layers | Kexuan Zhang; Oleksandr Mashkov; Muhammad Ainul Yaqin; Bernd Doll; Andreas Lambertz; Karsten Bittkau; Weiyuan Duan; Ian Marius Peters; Christoph Brabec; Uwe Rau; Kaining Ding | Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | IET-2, IMD-3 | 9.3.2025 |
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Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
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