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Die Publikationen in den Abschnitten A und B sind alle Text-Publikationen, die nach Stand 9.3.2025 für die Programmberichte bzw. den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht für das Jahr 2024 gemeldet werden. Jülicher Autoren sind fett gedruckt.
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Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die entweder in der Master Journal List „Web of Science Core Collection“ von Clarivate Analytics oder in der „Scopus Source List“ von Elsevier gelistet sind.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 48
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Superconductivity in Nb: Impact of Temperature, Dimensionality and Cooper-Pairing | Aceves Rodriguez, Uriel Allan; Guimarães, Filipe Souza Mendes; Lounis, Samir | Nanomaterials | 5211 | IAS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
High-throughput magnetic co-doping and design of exchange interactions in topological insulators | Mozumder, Rubel; Wasmer, Johannes; Antognini Silva, David; Blügel, Stefan; Rüssmann, Philipp | Physical review materials | 5211 | JARA-HPC, JARA-FIT | 9.3.2025 |
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from unquenched orbital angular momentum | Chen, Runze; Go, Dongwook; Blügel, Stefan; Zhao, Weisheng; Mokrousov, Yuriy | Physical review / B | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Doped HfO x Nanoclusters: Polar and Resistive Switching in the Smallest Functional Units | Rushchanskii, Konstantin Z.; Lezaic, Marjana; Blügel, Stefan | Physica status solidi / A | 5211 | IAS-1, JARA-FIT, JARA-HPC | 9.3.2025 |
Dipolar skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature | Hassan, Mariam; Koraltan, Sabri; Ullrich, Aladin; Bruckner, Florian; Serha, Rostyslav O.; Levchenko, Khrystyna V.; Varvaro, Gaspare; Kiselev, Nikolai S.; Heigl, Michael; Abert, Claas; Suess, Dieter; Albrecht, Manfred | Nature physics | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Some comments on the fracture of viscoelastic solids | Persson, Bo; Carbone, G.; Creton, C.; Heinrich, G.; Tada, T. | Extreme mechanics letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Spontaneous Chirality Flipping in an Orthogonal Spin-Charge Ordered Topological Magnet | Miao, H.; Bouaziz, Juba; Fabbris, G.; Meier, W. R.; Yang, F. Z.; Li, H. X.; Nelson, C.; Vescovo, E.; Zhang, S.; Christianson, A. D.; Lee, H. N.; Zhang, Y.; Batista, C. D.; Blügel, S. | Physical review / X | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Rashba-like Spin Textures in Graphene Promoted by Ferromagnet-Mediated Electronic Hybridization with a Heavy Metal | Muñiz Cano, Beatriz; Gudín, Adrián; Sánchez-Barriga, Jaime; Clark, Oliver; Anadón, Alberto; Díez, Jose Manuel; Olleros-Rodríguez, Pablo; Ajejas, Fernando; Arnay, Iciar; Jugovac, Matteo; Rault, Julien; Le Fèvre, Patrick; Bertran, François; Mazhjoo, Donya; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Rader, Oliver; Blügel, Stefan; Miranda, Rodolfo; Camarero, Julio; Valbuena, Miguel Angel; Perna, Paolo | ACS nano | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Origin of incommensurate magnetic order in the R AlSi magnetic Weyl semimetals ( R = Pr , Nd , Sm ) | Bouaziz, Juba; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Patrick, Christopher E.; Staunton, Julie B.; Blügel, Stefan | Physical review / B | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Helical Topological Superconducting Pairing at Finite Excitation Energies | Bahari, Masoud; Zhang, Song-Bo; Li, Chang-An; Choi, Sang-Jun; Rüßmann, Philipp; Timm, Carsten; Trauzettel, Björn | Physical review letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Ideal spin-orbit-free Dirac semimetal and diverse topological transitions in Y8CoIn3 family | Sato, Manabu; Bouaziz, Juba; Sumita, Shuntaro; Kobayashi, Shingo; Tateishi, Ikuma; Blügel, Stefan; Furusaki, Akira; Hirayama, Motoaki | Communications materials | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Investigation of the Large Variability of HfO 2 ‐Based Resistive Random Access Memory Devices with a Small Current Compliance by a Kinetic Monte Carlo Model | Chen, Ching-Jung; Rushchanskii, Konstantin Z.; Jungemann, Christoph | Physica status solidi / A | 5211 | IAS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Transition to metallic and superconducting states induced by thermalor electrical deoxidation of the dislocation network in the surface regionof SrTiO3 | Szot, Krzysztof; Rodenbücher, Christian; Rogacki, Krzysztof; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Speier, Wolfgang; Roleder, Krystian; Krok, Franciszek; Keller, Hugo; Simon, Arndt; Bussmann-Holder, Annette | Nanomaterials | 5211; 1231 | IET-4, PGI-SO | 9.3.2025 |
Phonons from density-functional perturbation theory using the all-electron full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method FLEUR * | Gerhorst, Christian-Roman; Neukirchen, Alexander; Klüppelberg, Daniel A; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Betzinger, Markus; Michalicek, Gregor; Wortmann, Daniel; Blügel, Stefan | Electronic structure | 5211 | IAS-1, JARA-FIT, JARA-HPC | 9.3.2025 |
On the calculation of irregular solutions of the Schrödinger equation for non-spherical potentials | Zeller, Rudolf | Frontiers in physics | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Characterization of single in situ prepared interfaces composed of niobium and a selectively grown ( Bi 1 − x Sb x ) 2 Te 3 topological insulator nanoribbon | Janssen, Kevin; Rüssmann, Philipp; Liberda, Sergej; Schleenvoigt, Michael; Hou, Xiao; Jalil, Abdur Rehman; Lentz, Florian; Trellenkamp, Stefan; Bennemann, Benjamin; Zimmermann, Erik; Mussler, Gregor; Schüffelgen, Peter; Schneider, Claus-Michael; Blügel, Stefan; Grützmacher, Detlev; Plucinski, Lukasz; Schäpers, Thomas | Physical review materials | 5211 | PGI-9, PGI-6 | 9.3.2025 |
Ultrafast light-induced magnetization in non-magnetic films: from orbital and spin Hall phenomena to the inverse Faraday effect | Hamamera, Hanan; Guimaraes, Filipe; dos Santos Dias, Manuel; Lounis, Samir | Frontiers in physics | 5221 | IAS-1, JSC | 9.3.2025 |
Topology-Engineered Orbital Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets | Chen, Zhiqi; Li, Runhan; Bai, Yingxi; Mao, Ning; Zeer, Mahmoud; Go, Dongwook; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Niu, Chengwang | Nano letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
2D Vanadium Sulfides: Synthesis, Atomic Structure Engineering, and Charge Density Waves | van Efferen, Camiel; Hall, Joshua; Atodiresei, Nicolae; Boix, Virginia; Safeer, Affan; Wekking, Tobias; Vinogradov, Nikolay A.; Preobrajenski, Alexei B.; Knudsen, Jan; Fischer, Jeison; Jolie, Wouter; Michely, Thomas | ACS nano | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Tuning magnetic interactions of Co and 4 d transition-metal atomic bilayers on Re(0001) via interface engineering | Paul, Souvik; Heinze, Stefan | Physical review / B | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Giant Rashba-splitting of one-dimensional metallic states in Bi dimer lines on InAs(100) | Sheverdyaeva, Polina M.; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Modesti, Silvio; Feyer, Vitaliy; Jugovac, Matteo; Zamborlini, Giovanni; Tusche, Christian; Chen, Ying-Jiun; Tan, Xin; Hagiwara, Kenta; Petaccia, Luca; Thakur, Sangeeta; Kundu, Asish K.; Carbone, Carlo; Moras, Paolo | Nanoscale | 5211 | JARA-HPC, PGI-6 | 9.3.2025 |
Roadmap on methods and software for electronic structure based simulations in chemistry and materials | Blum, Volker; Asahi, Ryoji; Autschbach, Jochen; Bannwarth, Christoph; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Blügel, Stefan; Burns, Lori A.; Crawford, T. Daniel; Dawson, William; de Jong, Wibe Albert; Draxl, Claudia; Filippi, Claudia; Genovese, Luigi; Giannozzi, Paolo; Govind, Niranjan; Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon; Hammond, Jeff R.; Hourahine, Benjamin; Jain, Anubhav; Kanai, Yosuke; Kent, Paul R C; Larsen, Ask Hjorth; Lehtola, Susi; Li, Xiaosong; Lindh, Roland; Maeda, Satoshi; Makri, Nancy; Moussa, Jonathan; Nakajima, Takahito; Nash, Jessica A.; Oliveira, Micael J. T.; Patel, Pansy D.; Pizzi, Giovanni; Pourtois, Geoffrey; Pritchard, Benjamin P.; Rabani, Eran; Reiher, Markus; Reining, Lucia; Ren, Xinguo; Rossi, Mariana; Schlegel, H. Bernhard; Seriani, Nicola; Slipchenko, Lyudmila V.; Thom, Alexander; Valeev, Edward F.; Van Troeye, Benoit; Visscher, Lucas; Vlcek, Vojtech; Werner, Hans-Joachim; Williams-Young, David B.; Windus, Theresa | Electronic structure | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Kagomerization of transition metal monolayers induced by two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride | Zhou, Hangyu; dos Santos Dias, Manuel; Zhang, Youguang; Zhao, Weisheng; Lounis, Samir | Nature Communications | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Machine learning inspired models for Hall effects in non-collinear magnets | Kipp, Jonathan; Lux, Fabian R; Pürling, Thorben; Morrison, Abigail; Blügel, Stefan; Pinna, Daniele; Mokrousov, Yuriy | Machine learning: science and technology | 5211 | IAS-6, INM-6 | 9.3.2025 |
Crystal Thermal Transport in Altermagnetic RuO 2 | Zhou, Xiaodong; Feng, Wanxiang; Zhang, Run-Wu; Šmejkal, Libor; Sinova, Jairo; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Yao, Yugui | Physical review letters | 5211 | IAS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Low-energy modeling of three-dimensional topological insulator nanostructures | Zsurka, Eduárd; Wang, Cheng; Legendre, Julian; Di Miceli, Daniele; Serra, Llorenç; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Rüssmann, Philipp; Moors, Kristof | Physical review materials | 5222 | PGI-9, JARA-FIT | 9.3.2025 |
Spin dynamics of the centrosymmetric skyrmion material GdRu2Si2 | Paddison, Joseph A. M.; Bouaziz, Juba; May, Andrew F.; Zhang, Qiang; Calder, Stuart; Abernathy, Douglas; Staunton, Julie B.; Blügel, Stefan; Christianson, Andrew D. | Cell reports / Physical science | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Promoting p -based Hall effects by p − d − f hybridization in Gd-based dichalcogenides | Zeer, Mahmoud; Go, Dongwook; Schmitz, Peter; Saunderson, Tom G.; Wang, Hao; Ghabboun, Jamal; Blügel, Stefan; Wulfhekel, Wulf; Mokrousov, Yuriy | Physical review research | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Magnons in a two-dimensional Weyl magnet | Chen, Ying-Jiun; Chuang, Tzu-Hung; Hanke, Jan-Philipp; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Blügel, Stefan; Schneider, Claus M.; Tusche, Christian | Applied physics letters | 5211 | PGI-6, ER-C-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Spin-Dependent π π * Gap in Graphene on a Magnetic Substrate | Sheverdyaeva, P. M.; Bihlmayer, G.; Cappelluti, E.; Pacilé, D.; Mazzola, F.; Atodiresei, N.; Jugovac, Matteo; Grimaldi, I.; Contini, G.; Kundu, Asish K.; Vobornik, I.; Fujii, J.; Moras, P.; Carbone, C.; Ferrari, L. | Physical review letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Role of humidity and surface roughness on direct wafer bonding | Persson, Bo; Mate, C. Mathew | The European physical journal / B | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Linking network- and neuron-level correlations by renormalized field theory | Dick, Michael; Meegen, Alexander van; Helias, Moritz | Physical review research | 5232 | IAS-6, INM-6 | 9.3.2025 |
Unified topological characterization of electronic states in spin textures from noncommutative K -theory | Lux, Fabian; Ghosh, Sumit; Prass, Pascal; Prodan, Emil; Mokrousov, Yuriy | Physical review research | 5211 | IAS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Atomic Diffusion-Induced Polarization and Superconductivity in Topological Insulator-Based Heterostructures | Wei, Xiankui; Jalil, Abdur Rehman; Rüssmann, Philipp; Ando, Yoichi; Grützmacher, Detlev; Blügel, Stefan; Mayer, Joachim | ACS nano | 5211 | IAS-1, ER-C-2, PGI-9, JARA-HPC, JARA-FIT | 9.3.2025 |
Identifying Band Structure Changes of FePS$_3$ across the Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition | Pestka, Benjamin; Strasdas, Jeff; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Budniak, Adam Krzysztof; Liebmann, Marcus; Leuth, Niklas; Boban, Honey; Feyer, Vitaliy; Cojocariu, Iulia; Baranowski, Daniel; Mearini, Simone; Amouyal, Yaron; Waldecker, Lutz; Beschoten, Bernd; Stampfer, Christoph; Plucinski, Lukasz; Lifshitz, Efrat; Kratzer, Peter; Morgenstern, Markus | ACS nano | 5211 | PGI-6, PGI-9, PGI-11 | 9.3.2025 |
How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows | Bosoni, Emanuele; Beal, Louis; Bercx, Marnik; Blaha, Peter; Blügel, Stefan; Bröder, Jens; Callsen, Martin; Cottenier, Stefaan; Degomme, Augustin; Dikan, Vladimir; Eimre, Kristjan; Flage-Larsen, Espen; Fornari, Marco; Garcia, Alberto; Genovese, Luigi; Giantomassi, Matteo; Huber, Sebastiaan P.; Janssen, Henning; Kastlunger, Georg; Krack, Matthias; Kresse, Georg; Kühne, Thomas D.; Lejaeghere, Kurt; Madsen, Georg K. H.; Marsman, Martijn; Marzari, Nicola; Michalicek, Gregor; Mirhosseini, Hossein; Müller, Tiziano M. A.; Petretto, Guido; Pickard, Chris J.; Poncé, Samuel; Rignanese, Gian-Marco; Rubel, Oleg; Ruh, Thomas; Sluydts, Michael; Vanpoucke, Danny E. P.; Vijay, Sudarshan; Wolloch, Michael; Wortmann, Daniel; Yakutovich, Aliaksandr V.; Yu, Jusong; Zadoks, Austin; Zhu, Bonan; Pizzi, Giovanni | Nature reviews / Physics | 5211; 5111 | IAS-1, JARA-FIT, JARA-HPC, IAS-9 | 9.3.2025 |
Embedded Skyrmion Bags in Thin Films of Chiral Magnets | Yang, Luyan; Savchenko, Andrii; Zheng, Fengshan; Kiselev, Nikolai; Rybakov, Filipp N.; Han, Xiaodong; Blügel, Stefan; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal | Advanced materials | 5221 | ER-C-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Dry and lubricated sliding friction for rubber on concrete: the role of surface energies | Miyashita, N.; Persson, Bo | Soft matter | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Magnetic exchange interactions at the proximity of a superconductor | Aceves Rodriguez, Uriel A; Guimarães, Filipe Souza Mendes; Brinker, Sascha; Lounis, Samir | Journal of physics / Condensed matter | 5211 | IAS-1, JSC | 9.3.2025 |
Nonconventional screening of Coulomb interaction in two-dimensional semiconductors and metals: A comprehensive constrained random phase approximation study of M X 2 ( M = Mo , W , Nb , Ta ; X = S , Se , Te ) | Ramezani, H. R; Şaşıoğlu, E.; Hadipour, H.; Soleimani, H. Rahimpour; Friedrich, Christoph; Blügel, Stefan; Mertig, I. | Physical review / B | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
First-principles calculations of transport properties in lead-based nanomaterials: A mini review | Zhang, Lishu | Computational materials science | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Orbital Rashba Effect as a Platform for Robust Orbital Photocurrents | Adamantopoulos, T.; Merte, M.; Go, D.; Freimuth, F.; Blügel, S.; Mokrousov, Y. | Physical review letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Spin-dependent electronic phenomena in heavily-doped monolayer graphene | Jugovac, Matteo; Cojocariu, Iulia; Feyer, Vitaliy; Blügel, Stefan; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Perna, Paolo | Carbon | 5211 | PGI-6 | 9.3.2025 |
Electrostatic Gating of Spin Dynamics of a Quasi-2D Kagome Magnet | Li, Zhidong; Zhang, Ruifu; Shan, Jun; Alahmed, Laith; Xu, Ailing; Chen, Yuanping; Yuan, Jiaren; Cheng, Xiaomin; Miao, Xiangshui; Wen, Jiajia; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Lee, Young S.; Zhang, Lichuan; Li, Peng | Nano letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Phase change memory materials: Why are alloys of Ge, Sb, and Te the materials of choice? | Jones, Robert O. | Solid state sciences | 5211 | JARA-HPC | 9.3.2025 |
Spin Spiral State at a Ferromagnetic Gd Vacuum Interface | Härtl, Patrick; Vogt, Matthias; Leisegang, Markus; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Blügel, Stefan; Bode, Matthias | Physical review letters | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Evidence for spinarons in Co adatoms | Friedrich, Felix; Odobesko, Artem; Bouaziz, Juba; Lounis, Samir; Bode, Matthias | Nature physics | 5211 | IAS-1 | 9.3.2025 |
Chemical bonding in phase-change chalcogenides | Müller, P. C.; Elliott, S. R.; Dronskowski, R.; Jones, R. O. | Journal of physics / Condensed matter | 5211 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen in Journals, die nicht unter (A) fallen. Die Vergabe einer DOI ist zwingende Voraussetzung. Sonderfall Erde und Umwelt: Hier zählen einschließlich Bücher und Buchkapitel.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 2
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Konferenz | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Kalman filter enhanced active learning sampling for inelastic neutron scattering: The case of CrSBr | Yixuan Zhang; Samir Lounis; Hongbin Zhang | Physical review. B./Physical review. B | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Molecular Order Induced Charge Transfer in a C<sub>60</sub>-Topological Insulator Moiré Heterostructure | Ram Prakash Pandeya; Konstantin P. Shchukin; Gregor Mussler; Abdur Rehman Jalil; Nicolae Atodiresei; Eddwi H. Hasdeo; А. В. Федоров; Boris V. Senkovskiy; Daniel Jansen; Giovanni Di Santo; L. Petaccia; A. Grüneis | Nano Letters | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | PGI-10, PGI-9 | 9.3.2025 |
Nonreciprocity in Magnon Mediated Charge-Spin-Orbital Current Interconversion | J. Omar Ledesma‐Martin; Edgar Galindez-Ruales; Sachin Krishnia; Felix Fuhrmann; Minh Duc Tran; Rahul Gupta; Dongwook Go; Akashdeep Kamra; G. Jakob; Yuriy Mokrousov; Mathias Kläui | Nano Letters | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Symmetry-governed dynamics of magnetic skyrmions under field pulses | Vladyslav M. Kuchkin; Bruno Barton-Singer; Pavel F. Bessarab; Nikolai Kiselev | Communications Physics | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Self-healing and hyperelastic magneto-iono-elastomers through molecular confinement of magnetic anions | Xuan Zhang; Lishu Zhang; M. Liu; Chin-Boon Chng; J. Zhou; Naoji Matsuhisa; Yu Tan | Science Advances | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Rubber wear: Experiment and theory | Avinash Tiwari; Ruibin Xu; N. Miyashita | The Journal of Chemical Physics | Nicht in JuSER oder ohne POF; würde nicht gezählt! | 9.3.2025 | |
Current-driven dynamics of antiferromagnetic skyrmions: from skyrmion Hall effects to hybrid inter-skyrmion scattering | Aldarawsheh, Amal; Sallermann, Moritz; Abusaa, Muayad; Lounis, Samir | npj spintronics | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Electrical engineering of topological magnetism in two-dimensional heterobilayers | Abuawwad, Nihad; dos Santos Dias, Manuel; Abusara, Hazem; Lounis, Samir | npj spintronics | 5211 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.
Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.
Da auf Jülich DATA bislang noch nicht zwischen Daten- und Software-Publikationen unterschieden wird, wird hier teilweise auch Software verzeichnet. Das ist aktuell für das Berichtswesen noch nicht kritisch und wird ab dem nächsten Jahr vermieden.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 4
Titel | Autoren | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert |
Replication Data for: Doping-Induced Electronic and Structural Phase Transition in the Bulk Weyl semimetal Mo1-xWxTe2 | O. Fedchenko; F. K. Diekmann; Philipp Rüßmann; M. Kallmayer; L. Odenbreit; S. M. Souliou; M. Frachet; A. Winkelmann; M. Merz; S. Chernov; D. Vasilyev; D. Kutnyakhov; O. Tkach; Ya. Lytvynenko; K. Medjanik; C. Schlueter; A. Gloskovskii; T. R. F. Peixoto; M. Hoesch; M. Le Tacon; Y. Mokrousov; K. Roßnagel; G. Schönhense; H.-J. Elmers | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Replication Data for: Rare-earth atoms on Nb(110) as a platform to engineer topological superconductivity | David Antognini Silva; Yu Wang; Nicolae Atodiresei; Felix Friedrich; Stefan Blügel; Matthias Bode; Philipp Rüßmann; Artem Odobesko | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Replication Data for: High-throughput magnetic co-doping and design of exchange interactions in topological insulators | Rubel Mozumder; Johannes Wasmer; David Antognini Silva; Stefan Blügel; Philipp Rüßmann | 5211 | 9.3.2025 | |
Spin Spiral State at a Ferromagnetic Gd Vacuum Interface | Härtl, Patrick; Bode, Matthias; Blügel, Stefan; Härtl, Patrick; Leisegang, Markus; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Vogt, Matthias; Leisegang, Markus; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Blügel, Stefan; Bode, Matthias | 5211 | 9.3.2025 |
Hierzu zählen Publikationen, die in JuSER verzeichnet sind.
Fehlende POF-Zuordnungen muss man in JuSER nachtragen.
Anzahl zählbare Publikationen: 0
Titel | Autoren | POF | andere Institute | zuletzt geändert | |
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